Measure your vibration to raise your vibration…

Measure your vibration to raise your vibration…
Let’s talk about raising your vibration

This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:

First of all… don’t try to raise your vibration until you know what it is. I get 1-2 requests a day, just to measure someone’s vibration for $25, and when I send them the number, they demand that I explain it to them. Continue reading “Measure your vibration to raise your vibration…”

What is Vibration?

what is vibration? how do you measure vibrational frequency?What is vibration? What is the vibration that is the vibrational scale of 1 to 1000?

In this article I’ll answer the questions: what is vibration, and what that means. I’ll also tell you how to measure vibration. And in the end I’ll let you know how to pick a teacher or a guru who is the best vibrational match to you, so you can start raising your vibration with their teaching. Continue reading “What is Vibration?”