Perspective… asking questions that upset your status quo

Perspective… asking questions that upset your status quo

In the 67 steps there is a method to make decisions using a calculator. 1

Nine out of ten students skip it, the one that does it does it shabbily. Students won’t do it or won’t do it right even after I send them back to do it.

Why? Because the method uses questions that you don’t want to ask. Why? Because they upset the apple cart.

I read a book, years ago, by a therapist, for people who can’t make a decision to leave or to leave… 2 The one question that no one asked before was: when it was the best: was it really good?

I was in a relationship when I first read that book, so I asked the question and looked. And then looked at every relationship I had ever had. I found that even when it was the best, it wasn’t really good… for me. As hard as it was to accept that, I decided that I am not going to live on crumbs any more… I am happiest alone, married to my life-purpose… I left and I have been a lot happier ever since.

A new question is a change in perspective…

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