Numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, Bach Flower Remedies

royal numerologySomeone asked about a person and his service today… So I went to google and looked.

Aiden Powers… the picture is not his likeness, so I cannot connect to the person

Royal Numerology: truth value: 10%
Kabbalistic numerology: truth value: 40%

What’s the difference?

Kabbalistic numerology was a way to penetrate the mysteries of the Universe. To find truth, to find patterns, to find guidance. Continue reading “Numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, Bach Flower Remedies”

Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground…

Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground…

I find inspiration in his writing. I find that his vision of me and my life, and what can open up for me is a perfect match about 50 times out of 52 a year.

I am talking about Rob Brezsny.

Is this because he is so talented?

Without trying to make myself look better than Rob Brezsny, if it is true that it is not what happens to you but what you make it mean, what you say about it, then I will take full responsibility for the amazingly perfect match, the inspiration Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes give me.

And if they do the same for you: you should take pride in it. And if they don’t… consider that your creativity is at an all time low… that you can’t see…

Here is today’s example: (My birthday was a week ago, September 4) Continue reading “Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground…”