The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions to  ask: what, how, why, when, who not… What not to do, how not to do/be, why not, when not, who not, what not to pay attention to. What’s not important. Which teachings are b.s. and a good idea to invalidate or just ignore. The no-list.

Without those questions asked in that particular way, that unusual way, your life cannot be like an arrow, cannot have a punch, cannot have a purpose. Continue reading “The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not”

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

The first step in AA, Alcoholics Anonymous says: We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol––that our lives had become unmanageable.

Whether you know it or not, that is the most important of all the steps. And of life… Continue reading “If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow”

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from… bits and pieces

I put all the cash I had at hand, $25, in an envelope yesterday and wrote on it: to Frank the mailman. Today I found a Christmas card, the only one I got, from Frank the mailman, saying “Thank you for the gift.”

I cried. I am still crying. Big learning here… even though I don’t know what it is… Hopefully by the end of the article I will.


I just spent a few hours listening to really smart behavioral economists,

At the end, when they thought the microphone was already off, the interviewer and the interviewee said: “we should do this every day, we could get good at it.”


Then I watched the movie Two Popes… cried a lot. Identified with the two Catholic priests… surprised myself with that.
Continue reading “You never know where your learning will come from”