Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?

Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?

What can you learn from a theoretical physicist, a famous ad writer, art collector to become a person… yourself?

What does an ad writer have to do with being happy, fulfilled, and joyful? Other than selling it to you… lol… right?

Most things that I teach are difficult to understand enough that you actually know it and can teach it. Unless you can teach it, you didn’t learn it… The Feynman technique teaches how to get there… but this article is not about that. Continue reading “Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?”

The Pendulum: Descent to the age of madness

The Pendulum: Descent to the age of madness

What is madness? There are probably more medically approved ways to say what I am going to say. but madness is simply when you interact with figments of your imagination considering it real or reality.

And it seems that it has taken over 70% of humanity…

including one of my revered teachers. The teacher whose teaching has caused me to finally make a living instead of just get by the skin of my teeth.

But he is a goner. He is in la-la land. His once 200 vibration is now dropped to 70. He rants and raves. and looks at anyone who thinks differently from himself as mad. Continue reading “The Pendulum: Descent to the age of madness”