The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

tumblr_ni0hxucPbU1u23a8fo1_1280Psychology, as a science and as a practice has some tools: Observation and brain scans.

But the problem with either is that the human element, the interpreter between what is being seen, their mindset, their attitude, their approach, is crucial.

But, of course, this is true everywhere, except with psychologists, we expect them to interpret what they observe accurately… except they don’t. As a rule.

And then there are some outliers… like Freud. Continue reading “The Pleasure Principle and winning in life”

An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200

simon-bakerI have a favorite actor. Simon Baker, from The Guardian and from The Mentalist.

Before I sat down to write this post, I looked what it is that I like about him. And I found two things about him that make me want to be around him:

  1. He is never in a hurry. He is not tense, he is not forceful, even when his life is threatened. I can feel the automatic muscle tension leave as he quickly returns to coherence, the only state where you can be effective and efficient in your next step, whether it is picking the lock of a handcuff, seeing the invisible to other details, or winning a hand in poker.
  2. He uses context the best way invented context can be used to cause an immediate shift in his attitude.
    Continue reading “An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200”

Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why

Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why
Water… OK… first my story.

In 1993 a physician declared me incurable. I was weak, I was malnourished, and my blood work did not respond to anything, and was completely messed up. I didn’t seemingly have any known disease: had I died they would have put in cause of death: old age. I was 46 years old.

I hired a nutritionist, who out of desperation, put me on a complete elimination diet: I was living on protein shakes for a little while. and then slowly moved on to the complete elimination diet: you try to find out what doesn’t agree with your body.

In spite of all that effort, dietary changes, etc., two years later, a naturopathic physician still declared me incurable. Continue reading “Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why”

Tools to get out of a funk

midlife crisisA few of my readers use this blog to snap out of their funk. I used Ray Williams’ Monday Morning Memo the same way… I also use Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscope the same way. My Sunday call with a friend mostly works out that way too…

We all need something that returns us to sanity, to coherence, and to get aware, again, what is important in life.

This article was especially potent for me this morning.

My Sadly Comical Midlife Crisis

Continue reading “Tools to get out of a funk”

What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?

What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?

borte abductedWhat did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

I have been reading about the Mongols, the nomadic people that occupied lands and people in the 13th century, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the 13th Century under Genghis Khan.

99% of those Mongols didn’t read, didn’t write. Their average IQ (my measurement) was the same as college educated people’s today. Their available IQ was 90%, as opposed to today’s college educated people, whose available IQ is less than 80%. Which means, those Mongols were more intelligent than you. Ugh, that hurts.

What is the secret difference between them and you, that they were able to conquer and you are not? And what could you borrow from them, even though you are not a steppe warrior?

Here are my insights that I hope will be useful for you today:
Continue reading “What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?”

Thinking vs. Having Thoughts… that is the question

Thinking vs. Having Thoughts…  that is the question

A Reclaim participant writes:

Sophie – I like the way your articles guide (or sometimes the word is more appropriately ‘prod’) me in the right direction. It’s like getting extra coaching every day. My favorites this week are ‘the highest and most effective skill you can learn is to allow things to be exactly the way they are’. And ‘be observing the mind, not identify with the mind’. When I really get them, not ‘understanding’ with the mind but really get them, they help me move right into the Observer position, my current assignment. How great is that!

My answer:

Wonderful. Now, how about you learning it so deep that you don’t always need my articles to do it for you?

Continue reading “Thinking vs. Having Thoughts… that is the question”

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

water-energizer-setupI have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.

Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.

The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,

Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?

Continue reading “Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer”

I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?

being guided by the echoSometimes having someone to talk to, someone who can listen, instead of trying to solve your problems, is the best thing that can happen to you.

But there are things that are hard to share.

And then, if you are the one who is supposed to be there for others, no one expects you to have problems, or to be there for you. You are alone, and that is that.

All my life I have been the strong one, and no one ever expected me to need them to listen to me. So when I needed someone to listen, I had to pay them. It’s expensive. And now I don’t even trust anyone to just listen… so it’s tough.
Continue reading “I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?”

Vortex Water vs Energizer Water energized with the Energizer® energy; What is the difference?

scalar2There is a difference.

What causes water’s low energy, water’s incoherence, is the little water spouts around impurities…

Just like you, your water is ADD, maybe even ADHD. Distilled water has more water spouts, so it is more incoherent even than tap water purified with primitive filters.

ADD and ADHD, in this connotation means that the water cannot pull it together, it is all over the place, it is confused, and it is hapless.

It may be strange to say that water is hapless, but that is how water feels… as an Empath I can tell you that. Starts and stops, attention span of a fly.

When you put incoherent water in your body, all hell breaks loose…

…even if you weren’t ADD before, it actually makes YOU incoherent, hapless, starts and stops… all over the place.

Continue reading on my Energywater blog

Are you well? Recover Fast? No? Here is my secret to be always well…

coldflu-resizeI just came back from my weekly grocery shopping trip.

My driver has been struggling with a chest and head cold for weeks now.
One of my students has been missing classes because of a cold that now moved into her chest.

I am well. What’s my secret?

I have a system for being well.
Continue reading “Are you well? Recover Fast? No? Here is my secret to be always well…”