Politically incorrect… How I almost destroyed my brain…

Politically incorrect… How I almost destroyed my brain…

how everyone in my family diesIf you have been on the phone or on webinars with me lately: you have noticed: I have been looking for words: the first signs of dementia.

My IQ dropped 40 points, and muscletest confirmed: my brain was deteriorating. My brain health went from 30% to 7% as well.

I am like Charlie in the book (also movie), Flowers for Algernon, where Charly, a young man got a brain enhancing surgery, but the results were temporary, and when he was in decline phase he could see all the things he understood and could do before, but not any more.

Doesn’t feel good…

In this short article I will look what I did… Continue reading “Politically incorrect… How I almost destroyed my brain…”

I am like a canary in the coal mine

I am like a canary in the coal mine

Coal mines have methane and carbon dioxide gas, deadly in certain concentration. Canaries were taken down to the mine as early warning signalers… when the canary dies the miners clear out.

So a canary reacts to the harmful stuff in things a lot earlier than other people… and can warn them that the food, the air, the method, the product is harmful.

A canary also heals faster… So it can tell you what actually works.

What have I been doing to get a new lease on life, to come back from the brink of death, and get well, actually better than I have been maybe ever?

Continue reading “I am like a canary in the coal mine”

Pattern recognition… or how widely and how deeply do you see?

From time to time I watch an animated feature movie on Netflix.

Those movies have the most clues for inner world patterns of all the movies… even though they are clearly designed to distribute memes… to train the next generation to become sheep.

But the artists that make the movies unwittingly, or defiantly, place some fundamental guidance and truth in those movies.

So it is with this little movie: Leap. (In other languages it is called the Ballerina)

It’s about a little orphan girl who lives in an orphanage, but dreams about becoming a dancer… a ballet dancer. She escapes the orphanage and goes to Paris to enroll in the famed ballet institute… to fulfill on her dream.

Through unpredictable events, she does… and though she can’t dance… a cleaning lady she finds turns out to be an ex famous dancer, until an accident made her an cripple. And she will become her mentor.

OK, here are the principles in the movie that stirred my inside up and explained a lot of things to me about me: Continue reading “Pattern recognition… or how widely and how deeply do you see?”

Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense

Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense
  • enlightenment... I have itYesterday’s transformation is today’s arrogance
  • Yesterday’s glimpse of the truth is today’s guilty feeling
  • Yesterday’s ‘enlightenment’ is today’s pretense

You may not be able to see it on gurus… but I can. Gurus are liars… because they share an incident in their past that doesn’t go beyond that moment…

But repeating that incident is impossible… and you don’t know how it happened… like a past life memory, or any other insight. The mechanism is hidden from our view. Continue reading “Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense”