How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

Here is an article that has truth in it, but not the whole truth. The article is a typical psychological take on a human condition… and is incomplete.

Here is an example of what a 7% truth value is, and what is missing to make it acceptable… and no, a 7% truth value is not acceptable.

I am going to attempt to add some of my own discoveries… to bring it up to a higher, hopefully much higher level of truth value…

First: read the article. I felt horrible reading it, because it made me feel bad about myself. Not many people consider me good company… so I definitely don’t qualify to being the type of person everyone wants to know.

At the same time my fixed mindset is only 7%… so what’s going on?

I’ll explain after the article… but first read it, OK? Continue reading “How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know”