Three methods of growing yourself over time

Three methods of growing yourself over time

I read some new self-growth suggestions, some new methods to grow yourself from the series of books I am reading.

I’ll mention three of those in this article.

  • One: as soon as you wake up, look who you are going to help today. And put the question on your reticular activator, the part of you that once it trusts you, will do almost all the work of finding stuff for you… The rule of this spiritual practice is: you need a new person every day.
  • Two: grow 1% every day in health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

Continue reading “Three methods of growing yourself over time”

Winners are consistent. What is missing for you?

Winners are consistent. What is missing for you?

Yesterday I had a huge awakening.

A long held assessment of mine that I was a lousy business coach fall apart.

I have tried my hand on business coaching many times in the past 40 years, and every time I hated it. So I didn’t even gave myself an opportunity to do it badly… I fired the clients after one or two sessions.

Now, what has changed that I don’t think of myself as a bad business coach?

A whole lot…

But before I make the list… let me look for the source of this change… Continue reading “Winners are consistent. What is missing for you?”