Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors

Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors

a system of seesawsWhat is the real meaning of little hinges swing big doors? What glorious thing can it mean to you and your entrepreneurial aspirations?

Without understanding that life is a collection of interactive systems, without understanding the seesaw principle, without being able to create, manage, and tweak systems. your life will work as it has always worked. just barely… Continue reading “Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors”

What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it

What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it

unnatural growthGrowth feels good… People who grow experience being fully in life, in a dance with life…

Growth feels good… and yet, most of the people I know are either stagnating because they don’t put themselves in a situation where they need to grow, or they put themselves in the courses and seminars and coaching programs to grow, but they don’t grow because …

Well, what comes after that ‘they don’t grow because’ is what this article is about.

Continue reading “What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it”

Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks

Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks

This article is about consolidation. Consolidation of what you have achieved… Without consolidation there is no growth… or if there is: it is called unmanaged growth… aka cancer.

Genetics is hardware. Epigenetics is software. Loosely speaking.

Capacities, in the DNA, can be expressed, switched on or switched off, like a plugin that provides additional functionality in a software.

When you change, you do more than just surface changes: in effect you change how the DNA, capacities, etc. get switched on or switched off… you are creating epigenetic changes. And not just physical, the only aspect ‘science’ is talking about, but the whole person. Not just fat/skinny, health conscious, life-unconscious aspect… but really the whole intelligent person who you are or… ahem… who you are not.

The first phase of growth is to plug the leaks.

Continue reading “Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks”

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

  • Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.
  • Setting rules is also a mental illness.
  • Doing only what seems to have the highest chance to succeed: ditto.

You treat yourself as if you were a nincompoop, but when I call you that you are offended.

You treat yourself a feeble minded toad, a never do well… and expect others treat you as a prince, or a genius. Continue reading “Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

We are working to uproot you from misery… and helping you to grow some legs.. so you can dance, move, joyfully.

One more thing to mention that unless you truly get this, nothing else will help, nothing else will matter:

The most important fact about reality is this: there is nothing that is missing in reality.

there is no ‘no’ in reality. So if you want to live in reality, then suddenly we won’t hear the word, inside and out, no, don’t, haven’t, shouldn’t, etc.

I have a young couple living downstairs in this two family house.

I always check if they are at home, and I always opinionate about how they live their lives, at least the part I can see.

So this evening I did what I always do, just after I sent an email to my faithful ‘flexibility capacity’ clients. Continue reading “Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs”

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it

Yesterday in the growth workshop I decided to look at my relationship to money. I have been trying to crack this tough nut for many years: in every business I have had everyone said I was sitting on a big mountain of money… but not actualizing much of it. 🙁

So I set out to work on money… Asking: how come I don’t make as much money as I could… with what I have…

Of course I am the course leader, so I don’t have time to deal with my own sh-it, but now it is on the sheet… documented, and the table. Continue reading “I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?”

I am getting flak from Source

I am getting flak from Source

If you don ‘t know what flak is… flak is strong anti aircraft fire…

Why? It seems that I have fallen into standards and ideals mode…

What is that? you ask… It is where the person entertains how things, people, themselves SHOULD BE, should do, should have.

I have been harping… I am a harpy (a rapacious monster described as having a woman’s head and body and a bird’s wings and claws or depicted as a bird of prey with a woman’s face) when it comes to being well read, observant, and intelligent. To the degree, that this morning I asked Source if it is worth training people who are not like I say they should be. But Source says: it is.

This is the problem with the standards and ideals attitude: they want to deal with only ‘deserving’ people…

The other problem most have is that they themselves don’t match their standards and ideals… they are fully sh*t… Am I too? Source says no… but that doesn’t make me much better. Continue reading “I am getting flak from Source”

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

doing the necessary, the possible, and then the impossibleWhat makes the difference? When something starts to work: what made it suddenly work? Do you know? Chances are: you don’t. And neither do so-called scientists. It is a guess… the guess that makes them seem right. We are wrong 99% of the time. Why?

We do the same thing when something doesn’t work. We guess why… and we are wrong 99% of the time. Why? Continue reading “When something changes in reality, what made it change?”

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence
Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking YOUR potential.

How much potential you have? Except for one person, Elon Musk, the Tesla guy, everyone is only using less than 10% of their potential. He stands out with a whopping 11%.

How much potential remains dormant in you? If my example is any indication, about 93% of your potential is never breached…

Why? Because you feel, you act, you consider yourself fixed. Continue reading “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence”