Until recently you could get energies in only three ways

how to get energies: now we know four ways to get energies What it is that I am learning about energies and what is so revolutionary about that?

Until recently you could get energies in only three ways:

  1. you were attuned by someone who had the energy. Attunement is an implant type of procedure. 1
  2. you discovered that you had access to a certain energy. It seems innate… You may call it having been gifted, or some other way that makes you sound superior: the truth is that you probably earned it. Your vibration is probably higher than “normal” and you probably regularly connect to Source.
  3. someone dumped it on you, whether you were ready or not. I have only heard tales of that: I can’t testify about the veracity of the claims. 2

I have discovered a fourth way to get energies.

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Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Yesterday, the theme in my 2nd Phase Activator Class was compassion: That compassion is not for the other person’s sake; just like love is not for the other person’s sake.

Compassion (and love) is for YOU!

When you can transform hatred, pity, or anger, resentment, or regret to compassion, you become free. (Not even mentioning the fact that love and compassion is only felt by the giver, never by the receiver. It warms up the giver, maybe shines on the recipient, but no nurturing there.)

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Mafia godfathers, cartel bosses, Indian gurus, cult leaders

Mafia godfathers, cartel bosses, Indian gurus, cult leaders

mafia cult leaders gurus despots all use the same tools to extort and punish, the SIDDHA YOGA, GURUMAYI and MUKTANANDA tr. guruji sai maa What is the similarity between Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

The nature of evil, psychic attack, dark energies, greed, envy, anger, hate, the desire to kill

What is the similarity with Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, (Gaddafi?) and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

Mafia lords or godfathers come from a background of people experiencing themselves powerless against them.

Very simple, indeed. They base their rule on extortion and protection rackets, or force, and enslavement of ‘lesser beings.’
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MuscleTesting Your Own Vibration. Is it low? Is it high?

MuscleTesting Your Own Vibration. Is it low? Is it high?
You want to know your vibration. Or if I want to be more precise, your EGO wants to know. It’s a curiosity thing. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything else. Novelty, exciting, fleeting.

And you should want to know. Knowing where you are is mandatory if you want to get anywhere else. No map will do you any good unless you know where to put the big X on the map: here I am. Or sometimes:

Darn… here I am. I thought I was somewhere else…

let me measure your vibration Continue reading “MuscleTesting Your Own Vibration. Is it low? Is it high?”

Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line

Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line

conversations with Source Conversations With Source

Connecting to Source on the 3rd Level really does feel like going home. Even though there is nothing to see there… but there is definitely a presence, and that presence knows you are there. It knows you personally. It knows you.

Today I had a lot of issues: Tr., associating with people who don’t agree with me, being on the right path, and how I am going to accomplish that people do the work.

Heavy issues. I will share some of the conversations, just to give you a taste of how it goes:
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