Change your perspective and get unstuck

Change your perspective and get unstuck

perspectiveWhat does perspective have to do with anything?

You’ll find out that it has everything to do with everything that matters to you… So pay attention.

Even though you intellectually know that perspective matters, you, unconsciously, have the tendency to look at things the same way, every time you look at them. Result: you see them the same way.

You look at the map of reality, not reality. You saw it once, from a particular vantage point, you stored it in your mind, and now you are stuck seeing it that way.

This is detrimental to your health, mental or physical, emotional. Detrimental to your success, to your happiness. You are anything but astute… I could even call you a moron, or a machine… and you could get all upset, and it would make no difference. Continue reading “Change your perspective and get unstuck”

New webinar series: Your concerns act like an anchor…

New webinar series: Your concerns act like an anchor…

I am morphing the free webinar series into a more advanced topic. Until now we’ve been looking at your context, we examined what context you could invent to alter your life. But where people have been stumbling is this: they weren’t able to live by the new context, no matter how right it was for them.

The past got into their eyes.

What is the past? We could say all the things that happened to you, but we would be wrong.
Continue reading “New webinar series: Your concerns act like an anchor…”