Become all you can become by raising yourself higher on the Tree of Lifefreedom course - Become all you can become with Sophie

Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?

Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?

I was a pack rat most of my life. It’s not a pretty way to be, not a good match to ‘high vibration’ but it was a fact… I was a pack rat.

I had a really difficult time to throw anything away, be it a box, a plastic bag, a newsletter, a piece of clothing… So my apartment is still filled to the brim with stuff I don’t use, and will never use.

When I want to clean my closets, I learned that my slogan needs to be: have I worn this in the past year? and if not, give it away or throw it away. But it is hard to throw away stuff. I spent good money to buy it.

I have tons of clothes, some expensive. Clothes I’ve never worn. Continue reading “Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?”

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…

Masterpiece. None of those paint layers is thicker than a single hair.

Can you imagine the patience and concentration that required? I’m going to propose that you be inspired by his approach as you carry out your big projects in the coming year. I think you will have the potential to create at least one labor of love.

Says Rob Brezsny… He is talking to Libras, but he could be talking to me too… I have, according to Source, have applied already 27 layers of ‘paint’ in creating my masterpiece, developing the technology to turn homo sapiens into human being.

What a perfect fit, I thought… and then I noticed, that the guiding is for Libras… and I am a Virgo… WTF… lol

‘You can’t move mountains by whispering at them,’ says singer-songwriter Pink. Strictly speaking, you can’t move mountains by shouting at them, either. But in a metaphorical sense, Pink is exactly right. Mild-mannered, low-key requests are not likely to precipitate movement in obstacles that resemble solid rock. And that’s my oracle for you in the coming months, Virgo. As you carry out the project of relocating or crumbling a certain mountain, be robust and spirited—and, if necessary, very loud.

Wow, that is a perfect fit too… Continue reading “Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…”

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

Sometimes I get up in the morning and then do maintenance stuff on my computer, of play Freecell, because there is nothing that is pressing me to write about.

As soon as I look at myself playing Freecell that it is a process I trust to bring up topics I could write about, within a game, 3-4 minutes, a whole topic emerges.

It was there, it just needed to be called.

Last Saturday I had a tech teacher of mine on my 3-wishes workshop. I invited him, I comped him in, and he came.

I treated him special, and he got to see something about himself that he can now deal with. He saw that his fixed way of being with nearly anything is that he is resentful… while he could be grateful. Continue reading “How you look at a thing makes all the difference”