Often things you want look and feel and maybe ARE impossible

the optimist

the optimistI wrote this article about the seemingly impossible and seemingly impossible dreams. I am republishing it because it is a teaching, I can see, is needed.

Often things you want look impossible.

How do I know it? Because, for me, it is an daily experience. Continue reading “Often things you want look and feel and maybe ARE impossible”

Control Life Or Dance With Life? Fit in or be happy?

Society is a rule-system designed to perpetuate itself and only itself. It considered outsiders, differents an enemy and most of society’s activity, is hunting down and destroying everyone who is different.

Society is self-regulating: it feeds the members that comply, and denies sustenance to those that don’t comply, that don’t fit it.
Continue reading “Control Life Or Dance With Life? Fit in or be happy?”

Want to get out of your mind where you can’t grow, can’t breathe, can’t raise your vibration?

the monkey mind won't shut upWant to get out of your mind where you can’t grow, can’t breathe, can’t raise your vibration?

I can hear your enthusiastic yes.

Last night I got up around 2 am… I needed to get some water. En route I checked my email.

There were ten requests to measure their vibration. Three request to tell them what to do to raise their vibration. I went back to bed sad.

For a long time having people ask for their vibration, made me glad. Finding out what is your vibration, what is the reality about the things you know, the things you hold true, your behavior, where you stand on the tree of life, is very valuable. It is like getting a map, so at least you know where you are starting from.

It used to be a way for people to step out of the mind, for a moment, and consider.
Continue reading “Want to get out of your mind where you can’t grow, can’t breathe, can’t raise your vibration?”

Abundance, money, love, entertainment… Can they be yours now? Can Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance take you there?

abundance as having all you needIn my previous article I write about the two dimensions a person can live, the horizontal dimension and the vertical dimension.

And in many of my articles I write that the part of you we can call Soul is actively seeking the fulfillment of its desire.
Continue reading “Abundance, money, love, entertainment… Can they be yours now? Can Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance take you there?”

I don’t know what to do! I am stuck!

I don’t know what to do! I am stuck!

i_don__t_know_what_to_doIn this article I talk about one of the ways you can get stuck… so this is a get unstuck article… I didn’t know when I started to write it.

You can get stuck in lots of ways, but getting unstuck is almost always to same: a process…

Once you read the actual case-study, mine, I’ll go into detail of the process of unstucking yourself… Now read it!

As you know, as part of keeping myself sharp and on the edge, I have taken on a project to sell products on Amazon.com.

I had a hunch that it will be a challenge, but I had no idea how difficult it was going to be.

So, here I am, in my third month of my challenge, and I got to a point where I am just sitting, and feel absolutely doomed.
Continue reading “I don’t know what to do! I am stuck!”

The Healing Codes: why does it work? Why does it not work?

How you do anything is how you do everything… if you don’t change your how… nothing will EVER change.

This article is about the Healing Codes specifically, but it contains information about how anything works, so even if you are not interested in the Healing Codes, it is worth your time to read it: it will increase your understanding of how getting well works, and what could you be doing, consistently, that prevent you from getting well, raising your vibration.

I get a lot of people that come and become followers of this blog, maybe even students, but never actually achieve what they came for: a disappearance or easing of their symptoms. This article really explains what is the invisible mindset that they bring to healing that actually prevents healing, whether it is emotional or physical… actually there is no difference there, they always go hand in hand.
The Healing Codes: why does it work? Why does not it work?
Continue reading “The Healing Codes: why does it work? Why does it not work?”

What does a vibration of 200 feel like?

feedback from a musicianI love feedback, and I love the feedback of this person. I muscletested his vibration, and it’s 200… so it is not especially high, and yet…

With the tools I offer in the foundational program, this is the kinds of results that are typical:

Hi Sophie,

I miss hearing your voice and laugh on the calls…I hope that you are feeling well and that the attacks have stopped.

I wanted to tell you about a very interesting experiment that I conducted with the activator/HOE audio and the results. About a month ago, things were going very well. I was extremely busy work-wise which is great because it means I could support myself financially. I was performing a lot with several different groups – in addition to my teaching – and was receiving very positive comments from my fellow musicians. I met a remarkable woman and we have been seeing each other in a very open, loving and supportive relationship. All good, even things with my ex were smooth and easy.

I decided to stop playing the audio and drinking the water to see what would happen.
Continue reading “What does a vibration of 200 feel like?”