How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in

How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in

Today’s article will be illustrated differently. I’ll use unrelated funny pictures… like the New Yorker magazine does.

Why? One of the ways I have opened up my tiny box is reading humorists’ take on the world. See the funny in everything. In every single thing.

Another way to open up your small box is to read, watch good movies or TV series from different cultures. Continue reading “How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in”

Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?

Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?

My only friend who doesn’t keep to staying home, and still does errands for me and for other old people like me, just picked up a package from me to take it to the UPS store for me.

She was crying… everyone is on her case… including her daughter. I was on her case even yesterday.

Today I was grateful to her for being a rebel… rebelling against mandatory behavior modification… so much that it made even me think and start doing alternative thinking.

I admit, I have been behaving like the six million Jews (among them 34 of my family) who allowed themselves to be herded into cattle carts and into gas chambers…

Oy. Continue reading “Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?”

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

I am not a scientist, not a doctor, but…

I pay attention. I experiment. And I muscletest while I am connected to Source.

It’s cherry time in the United States, and Aldi had a special price on cherries. I could not resist.

I bought a big bag… two and a half pounds… and as predictable, I ate it all in one sitting.

The insights I’ll share in this article are very important knowledge that I have suspected, but haven’t seen it this clearly before. Continue reading “If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…”