The invisible difference between a producer and you…

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

your precious i covers much of your cone of visionDon’t be mistaken. The only way to feel good about yourself, to have a life you love and a life you live powerfully is by being a producer.

The secret of producers lies in the invisible dimension. The dimension that is invisible to both to you and them. They do something differently (not different, differently!) from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it could be worth it.

Continue reading “The invisible difference between a producer and you…”

What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?

What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?

What do YOU organize your life around? what you want? what you feel?

Where do you look to see how you are doing? And where do you look to get the desired result?

Most people look at how they feel. Other people look in the mirror… Yet other people look at the feedback of others… or the sales numbers if they are selling something. Number of hours they have fun. Number of lovers, or number of times they get laid… Continue reading “What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?”

Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…

Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…

tight focus relaxed focusSometimes the teacher fails to tell you the crucial, most important thing that they should tell you… not out of malice, but out of not knowing that it matters.

No matter what is the topic, the area, this happens all the time.

If you don’t get the results your teacher promised, this is probably what’s going it, this is probably what went on.

Why wide angle, big picture attitude on the hammer exercises is the winning way to do it?

How you do anything is how you do everything. Continue reading “Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…”

Main issues in this lockdown environment… What are yours?

Main issues in this lockdown environment… What are yours?

My experience with people, you, during this pandemic is that you have too much time on your hands and you become unfocused… no time constraints, and nothing gets done, and you waste the rare opportunity to grow, to learn and practice a new skill, to become the person you were meant to become.

Another experience I have is that their vibration drops, much like during 3-day holidays: too much social influence. Don’t forget that the average vibration on the planet is now 100, and people influence you and your vibration, in subtle ways.

When you spent eight hours away from these people a day, you had other influences, and you gave actually more time to yourself than you do now. Continue reading “Main issues in this lockdown environment… What are yours?”