3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

confrontation3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different worldviews. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a worldview that is the polar opposite to mine.

Why would I hire coaches so different from myself? Continue reading “3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?”

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

One of my students who, on the surface appears optimistic, enthusiastic, and unstoppable, saw yesterday that inventing herself hopeful could change her life.

Hopeful is not one of the ways of being that are considered, traditionally, healthy and high vibration.

Why? Because hopeful, the way people use it, is a mind thing… while beingness is not a mind thing at all.

When you are hopeful, the way people use it, you are waiting for a benevolent universe, or some angel, or some deity to give you what you want… So hopeful, as the way people use it is a passive mindset, which is low vibration. Continue reading “Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.”

How to make coherent water in four simple steps?

How to make coherent water in four simple steps?

Preamble: When your cells have no energy… your body is weak, or gets sick, or dies.

Aging is largely a symptom of your cells drying out. Why? Because the water you drink cannot, will not get into the cells beyond what the cells allow it to… And in essence, the cell only allows coherent water into it.

Coherent water comes from live cells from another live thing… or you need to make it. Most of us don’t eat enough live things to provide enough coherent water for our cells.

Want your drinking water to raise your cell hydration, rejuvenate you and heal you? Here is how to make it.

Continue reading “How to make coherent water in four simple steps?”

Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?

Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?

things you can controlYou can only control what belongs to you… Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions don’t belong to you. Your actions, your attitude, what you actually heed, what you say… they do belong to you.

They are interestingly difficult to see… they are hidden from your view, overcrowded by noise.

We call these here: invisible dynamics. They are tiny machines, their behavior is predictable, manageable, and their effect on your life are detrimental. Continue reading “Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?”