The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

U2’s singer Bono, says that all of us suffer from the sense that something’s missing from our lives.

We imagine that we lack an essential quality or experience, and its absence makes us feel sad and insufficient. Continue reading “The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…”

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

I have been, I am just noticing, making myself miserable.

What got me out of that direction down to desperation, ultimately, a Carlos Castaneda 1 quote:

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same

Continue reading “What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…”