Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?

Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?

entitlementErnest Hemingway once wrote a story on a restaurant napkin In Key West, a story in six words.

For sale: baby shoes, never worn

He could have written about all humans, about my students… who are just like those baby shoes; unfulfilled dreams… unfulfilled potential.

I just finished my ‘Distinctions’ podcast call that today was all about entitlement.

The podcast is the recording of a weekly (Friday) conversation between a student of mine and myself.  I designed it to go deep in some areas of life, an invisible dynamic…

Entitlement is invisible in ourselves… Continue reading “Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?”

Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

The only effective method to make something work is to remove, little by little, all the things that make it not work, or not work as well as it could.

This is true in every area of life.

So what can be removed?

Continue reading “Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%”

Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?

Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?
What is the opposite of entitled?

This question around entitlement is asked on google thousands times a day, and the trend is that this number is growing steadily.

More in certain countries… More in religious countries… Christian countries… Countries with deep Christian roots, like Ireland. One can safely assume that entitled, and deserving was invented by Christianity to promote certain behaviors that a father would want their child to demonstrate.

Other words that express this same entitlement are deserve and deserving. Continue reading “Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?”

The unspoken price of happiness is the pursuit

The unspoken price of happiness is the pursuit

This article is not politically correct, and you’ll probably hate it… I am OK with that. I am even OK if you hate me…

The American Constitution, the ground rules of this nation, sets it down that you have the right to the pursuit of happiness. This article talks about what happiness is meant by the Constitution of the United States of America, and what it doesn’t…

And if you are listening, instead, to the wretched Indian gurus or the copy cats in any country, you are missing what causes happiness… happiness is not something that comes to you… you earn happiness… with the pursuit of it. Continue reading “The unspoken price of happiness is the pursuit”