What is YOUR enough? Why are you where you are?

What is YOUR enough? Why are you where you are?

Enough, meaning as much or as many as required. We’ll see that by whom it is required, and for what it is required will change enough a lot.

I remember, long time ago, writing an article to introduce the concept “enough” and one of my students got it and it propelled her to previously unimaginable heights of vibration.

This was years ago… I will probably have to look up that old article to remember what I wrote… it must have been profound. But I’ll refrain… instead I am going to look how is the state of “enough” among my students and maybe myself.

After I finished this article, I did look up that old article, and it’s brilliant. I could not say it better today. It also talks about our newest recognized challenge: you don’t know how to learn anything… so you can’t grow. Go and read it if you are a friend of yourself.


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I wrote this article in 2011… and by accident I stumbled on it again. there are 3500 articles on this blog… but there are no accidents. This distinction is a big missing for people…

cross the bridge when you get thereTrying to figure out how to cross the river? You’ll cross the bridge when you get there…

I have been working on a new activator. I have tested it now with five testers. There is a new and exciting capacity in it, that I would like to share with you.

The activator is called “enough.”

… as in being enough, having enough, doing enough. Smart enough, knowledgeable enough, pretty enough, well-spoken enough, etc. etc. etc.

Nowadays, if you are like me, you find yourself fragmented. You are not able to focus. Your attention is pulled by text messages, ads, news, internet, emails, cell phone… it’s all over the place.

It is hard to know what’s important. it is hard to know what one should do with themselves. It is hard to know what’s worth doing and what isn’t.

Continue reading “Enough”