Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize

Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize

energize your water... life giving. 70% of all is waterEnergize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water

Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Wipetheslateclean® Energy And The New Method Of Activation

with great power comes great responsibility for a spiritual teacher energy wielder With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

It’s a great sentence from Spiderman. I loved it. But I never thought it would say anything direct to me, not in a million years. I didn’t have great powers.

Until about two weeks ago.

Suddenly every time I was to infuse Source energies into water or remedy mix, I would have this intense pain in my chest, that I identified as Mimulus: fear.

It would even prevent me from connecting to Source on a level where I can make commands… I would have to meditate for long minutes before it would let me go past it… Of course Heaven on Earth works fast too.

The action that precipitated this big wave of fear was the creation of the WipeTheSlateClean® energy.

Coming Clean

Now, here it is that I need to come clean: Every activation that we did before that time was good, was wonderful, but it was time consuming and the activations needed to be repeated to work. The results were often reversible. The activations were not permanent, not what I had promised. 1

Continue reading “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Wipetheslateclean® Energy And The New Method Of Activation”

The New Label for The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle in a Bottle

Finally I had a few hours for myself, so I whipped out my trusty old Quark Xpress that I hadn’t used for 5-6 years, and designed a label for the Heaven on Earth Remedy…

heaven on earth in a bottle

Here is how it is. Would you comment below and tell me

  1. if you like it
  2. if not what you don’t like about it
  3. if you think anything else should be on it, info, etc.

Continue reading “The New Label for The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle in a Bottle”

Does The Heaven On Earth Work To Lose Weight?

Does The Heaven On Earth Work To Lose Weight?

Does the Heaven on Earth work for people who want to lose weight?

Warning: This is a real long article. And although it only seems to talk to people who want to lose weight, it has principles for life everyone can use, so don’t give up too soon.

Warning #2: This is a stream of consciousness article. I needed to sort out something for myself, and I did it in writing to “poke the box” and force Source to release missing information. It’s an adventure, you can come and poke with me… OK?

This question came up because a friend of mine got invited to Dr. Oz‘s show 1. He is going to talk about Ayurvedic cleanse to cause massive weight loss. Continue reading “Does The Heaven On Earth Work To Lose Weight?”

Can you get to heaven while living on earth? Heaven on Earth

Can you get to heaven while living on earth? Heaven on Earth

heaven and hell, heaven on earth Heaven and Hell… Heaven on Earth… Can you get to heaven while living on earth?

Let me start with a story from my favorite novel, The Journeys of Socrates:

…a proud and hot-tempered young samurai who routinely cut down any peasant who gave the least offense. In those days, samurai were a law unto themselves, and such behavior was accepted according to custom. Continue reading “Can you get to heaven while living on earth? Heaven on Earth”

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

kiss the frog and kiss it again The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The objective of this case study is to illustrate how I earned another 10 point rise in my vibration.

The language is stream of consciousness. I am starting out not knowing what or how to earn that rise. I am creating it in this article, so if you find the tenses confusing, just hang in there: consider that I am creating in the moment. Re-writing a stream of consciousness “monologue” to a proper English recounting what happened will miss the most important aspect of the process: the truth is unfolding as you speak. So, let’s go, shall we?
Continue reading “The anatomy of earning your light: a case study”

Sophie, Why am I feeling worse instead of better???

Sophie, Why am I feeling worse instead of better???

From my correspondence:


Good Morning,

I don’t know what happened with the exercise last night but I came away feeling a little drained and
though I am also an empath, the trait is not yet developed. As such It felt like my vibration went down
instead of up.

What do you make of this, and what possible for me to come to peace about this?


Continue reading “Sophie, Why am I feeling worse instead of better???”

An alcohol-free way for you to get your energy remedy?

An alcohol-free way for you to get your energy remedy?

clocks synchronize... their speed, not the time! My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it. Continue reading “An alcohol-free way for you to get your energy remedy?”

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

heaven on earth energy remedyThe Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies.

As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Flower Remedies correspond with strong feelings.

what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Isn’t it the other way around, Sophie? Well, yes and no. It is more like a snake that bites its own tail.

You see/experience something. It’s always a trigger. Your reptilian brain searches in its memory banks and spits out a meaning: this is a threat of this kind… and then you feel the feeling. Then the feeling becomes the new trigger. The reptilian brain does a database search again, and gives you a new coping “response” with will be a new feeling or a new action. Those again become triggers… and you can see the merry go round, can’t you.

So, what do the Bach Flower Energies do?

They interrupt this snake biting its tail mechanism: something happens, the feeling comes up and the energy neutralizes it.

Can it neutralize it before it comes up? After all who wants to have 38 different fears come up one time or another?
Continue reading “The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction”

Addiction: Could This Healing Modality Free You From Your Prison? Bring about Heaven on Earth?

addiction and Heaven on Earth energy bundle: see where they overlap Addiction: Could This Modality Free You From Your Prison?

I just re-read an article I wrote back in November. A lot has happened since, and with the development of the Bach Flower Energies, (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) and the Heaven on Earth energy bundle, I can now say: there is help for addicts.

What keeps the addiction in place is the “no alternative” and the bad feelings in absence of the pleasure trigger, the thing one is addicted to.
Continue reading “Addiction: Could This Healing Modality Free You From Your Prison? Bring about Heaven on Earth?”