Why I refuse to teach a course on Abundance?

abundance-lies-wayne-dyer1As you know, it’s taken me two years to become willing to create the More Money Workshop.

I know, you expected an Abundance course… but you see, your concept of abundance is flawed. Your concept of abundance is corrupted.

Why and how your concepts of life, including abundance got corrupted?

By religion first, and then by gurus who piggyback on your already corrupted worldview.

What is religion?

Religion is a worldview in which you are policed by entities that decide your fate, and all you can do is to try to please them so they help you, instead of killing you.

Religion is reduces you to an effect, who has very little to say about their fate.
Continue reading “Why I refuse to teach a course on Abundance?”

Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?

Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?

effortless abundance the remedyCan you change by changing what you say?

Back in 1987 I took a course about money. I had been poor, just a tad poorer than most of my life.

I remember working in New York City as an architect for hire, freezing my ears off… the weather always felt worse in the wind-tunnels of the New York City streets.

My two big investments were ear muffs and boots. It was more important than food: you can be hungry and alive… these were mostly my two choices: full or alive. Continue reading “Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?”

Water Energizer products: should you buy them from me?

energized beer-pitcherI have been getting requests for water energizer products. Pitchers, energizer inserts, gelpacks.

I’d rather that you use the Water Energizer audio to make your own energizer products.

How do you do it?

Anything that is put inside water that you are energizing with the Water Energizer audio will get energized with the water. You just need to leave it time, about an hour per gallon of water, including the stuff you put in the water.

Continue reading “Water Energizer products: should you buy them from me?”

Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator

freedom1Before I created the Unconditional Love Activator in 2011, my vibration was 300. Even 300 placed me into the top 0.1 percent of human population.

Over time, using the Unconditional Love Activator, my vibration is now reliably above 900.

So, what does the Unconditional Love Activator do, that you’d want for yourself?

Good question, right?

Well, here you go:

If you are “normal”, then you hate yourself, or you hate aspects of yourself.
Continue reading “Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator”

Warning: The nature of the Dark Side and the Reclaim program

When you really decide to turn your life to the Light, the Dark Side will do everything it can to keep you back.

Now, whether it is your ego, or if there is really a Dark Side, it is quite immaterial, because the results are the same, and the remedy is the same

When you really decide to turn you life to the Light, to grow, to become a human being, to activate your DNA, expect the forces of darkness create a barrier for you.

Suddenly all kinds of mishaps will happen.
Continue reading “Warning: The nature of the Dark Side and the Reclaim program”

Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!

become an expanding human beingYesterday I wrote an article, and asked you to recommend a course of action for the mother in the article with the female child…

Many of you have asked me before: how can I raise my vibration? What shall I do to build skills? Where should I start to find my life’s work that I would love to do?

My standard answer has been: keep alert, keep aware, life is full of training and growth opportunities. You take a path, keep your eyes open, and grow in the process.

Taking that challenge, placing yourself in the position of the mother was an excellent way for you to see if you have been giving lip service to growth or you are actually committed to grow.
Continue reading “Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!”

Why my niece died and other things worth your attention

People think that a mite infestation, especially the spider mite infestation is more a nuisance than anything.

After all what harm can these critters cause… no bacteria, no virus… no big deal.

But the truth is much more complicated, and much more dramatic than that.

The spider mites that live their whole life-cycle hidden from observation, have the visible stage: the nymph getting nutrients from the host.

A simple bite would harmful, would be painful, maybe it even would itch, but it probably wouldn’t kill you.

What kills you, and it does, that the nymph is attached to your skin, inner or outer, and its chemicals irritate the skin for days.

My niece died of cervical cancer.
Continue reading “Why my niece died and other things worth your attention”

Osho vs. Andy Shaw

osho- the big show
andy shaw creating a bug free mind... innocent

As you can tell, I read a lot of Osho. I read it for the good stuff, and tolerate it for the bad stuff.

I put down the book about 3 times per page, to muscletest his statements that sound so authoritative, but don’t sit well with me.

Osho’s personal vibration is 300, and the truth percentage of what he says is 7%. Not much, if you ask me. It is even less than the 10% of Andy Shaw’s book. People use this 10% to poopoo the book “Create the bug free mind” as if you could find a lot of things with a higher truth value: not so, and you’ll see in a minute why.
Continue reading “Osho vs. Andy Shaw”

Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…

Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…

rough_seasThis article may be a bit upsetting… but hey, I am known for rocking the boat… Being a trouble-maker. Have always been…

Can you identify with this scenario?

Something bothers you. Something hits you the wrong way.

You sit and you say: ‘I know I shouldn’t be upset about this. I know it is not cool. I even know that it is my issue, but I am still bothered.’

And you are bothered, and you are bothered.
Continue reading “Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…”