I read this great article on mentality by the Note taking Nerds. The article is six years old, but it is evergreen… you’ll see.
The most important element of this article is this:
How you do anything is how you do everything… meaning:
Your mentality regarding everything in life is the same as your mentality is or would be to business, or to work.
The principles of owning and conducting a business also apply to conducting your life… You can read an benefit from reading this article whether you own a business, want a business, have a job, or don’t even have a job… because everyone who is alive is ‘conducting’ their lives… Owning your life is much like suddenly getting access to the steering wheel of the prison transport… and taking yourself where you want to go, not where you are already heading.
95% of business owners were employees before they started their own business. Me too. I was a horrible employee, by the way.
If you want to guarantee that you fail in business, approach it the same way you’ve approached all the jobs you’ve ever had. (Hm, interesting. I approached all my jobs that they were mine… not theirs. From one job I was fired 14 times, but I wasn’t willing to let go: it was MY job, not theirs, so they had no power over me. Not a frequent and usual way to look at a job, is it?) Continue reading “Wake Up From your Employee Mentality, passenger mentality”