Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet

Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet
integrityThe invisible dynamic of integrity

Less than a year after I graduated, I worked as an architect at this company, walking distance from my home.

I didn’t know that I was an empath at the time. Interestingly not knowing didn’t prevent me from feeling it.

It was an office building on the corner of my street and a big street… forgot its name. I haven’t been there almost 39 years.

So one day I walked home to get lunch. On my way back I actually saw  the building collapse. The streets were closed for weeks… No one got hurt: the crew was out to lunch. Continue reading “Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet”

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

the difference between an empath and youAs almost all Tuesdays, one of the first things I do is I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope.

For more than 10 years it was always a perfect match to how I felt, what I felt I needed… and this consistency, during this pandemic, has been broken.

But today it might be just spot on… It says that ‘In the coming weeks, I’ll encounter people and animals and places and experiences that can bring me into more intimate contact with my soul

The question, the big question is this: how do you know that you are in touch with your soul? Will some heavenly music play? Will the soul actually talk English? Or how? Continue reading “Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?”

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

Most people, including coaches, are too wrapped up in their thoughts, in what they want, etc.

They cannot see outside of it… In essence they are locked into the nine dots… the famous exercise.

Here is another one I learned this morning, and I fell into the same nine dots trap…

A father and a son has a car accident. The emergency services take them to different hospitals given their injuries. Continue reading “The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach”

Either everybody counts or nobody counts…

Either everybody counts or nobody counts…

20 years ago I had my first entrepreneur value profile done.

It was some 30 pages long… too much English. But somewhere it said something like: You don’t work well THROUGH others…


A year or two worth of training later I got my certification to become a value profile consultant. Then I learned to see all that the 30 page said in English (meaning lots of words) at a glance on a grid.

My starting point measurements report is a lot like that grid. It is more meant for the coach/consultant to know how to guide you, than for you to enjoy reading to indulge your delusional self. Your delusional self loves the many words… I have watched people get all excited about the book “The Life You Were Meant to Live”… because they picked out the words they liked… No growth.

The more someone is determined to remain the same, the more they like that book…


So today, 20 years later, I looked at coaching, both as a client and as a provider. Continue reading “Either everybody counts or nobody counts…”

On a personal note… Is Sophie dying?

I have been a mad scientist. More mad than scientist… 🙁

My style of science is experimentation… taking things to extreme, and for a long time to boot. So doing this in the past 60 or so years has done a lot of damage to my body.

I would test diets, I would test theories, I would test methodologies, healing methods, you name it, I have tested it or something similar.

I am in the middle of several experiments, some you have heard of, like the predatory genes experiment, and some you haven’t…

A few weeks ago I got really clear that my days were numbered. I could barely walk, no energy, pain in my heart, left arm… bad.

So I buckled down and started to “diagnose” the problem. Continue reading “On a personal note… Is Sophie dying?”

Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?

Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?

My notes: maximum predatory genes: 8
psychopathy is more than just predatory genes.

Putin and Trump have both 8 predatory genes, while Putin is NOT a psychopath.

research, science is often guessing

certain cultures higher number of predatory genes

exceptionally beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women Continue reading “Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?”

Readers ask: How do you know you are an empath?

The other day someone posted a comment on my site. I expected it to be intentionally hurtful, and I treated it as such… But in the meantime I pushed it around in my thoughts and reconsidered.

It is a valid question… He asked: How do you know you are an empath?
Really, how do I know?

Now, the question could come from:

  • 1. how do you know you have a special ability and therefore you know more than others? This was my original interpretation.
  • 2. how does one know? Really? What clues one in that what they are feeling is not their own feelings, and not their imagination running wildly away with them? This second question is what I am going to attempt to answer in this post.

Continue reading “Readers ask: How do you know you are an empath?”

Reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy theory.

Reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy theory.

The history of medical science reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy theory.

Each century has its own favorite scapegoat-like cause of disease, a thing they blame everything, and each turns out to be not a comprehensive reason, or not a reason at all.

Humors — blood letting, spirits, bacteria, viruses, genetics… never lifestyle, nutrition, no… they don’t make money for the “in” crowd, the doctors, the specialists, etc. And in our day and age, the alternative doctors crowd is doing it as well… lying, cheating, defrauding. Ugly story. Continue reading “Reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy theory.”

The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments

Your expectations and your disappointments reveal to you and to everyone who knows anything about the unconscious worldview that makes sure you are miserable.

You learned that the Universe, Reality, your body, other people are like a vending machine. Push a button and outcomes what you wanted.

Or a car, or an electric mixer. Mechanistic, there for your service.

Even the evil people, religion, law of attraction, manifestation people teach that… with one little twist: if you are good, then the machine will turn on and spit out what you wanted.

So these people with their little twist make it your own fault if and when it doesn’t work.

But what you think about the world and the way the world works are very different.

And you go from expectation to disappointment, anger, dismay, disgust… according to your temperament. Continue reading “The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments”

Why and how I watch Netflix? How my Netflix diet is not binging?

Like with any diet, both the what and the how are crucially important.

I’ll show you later in this article, that even if you eat the right things, if you eat wrongly, the how, you won’t feel good… you won’t get well. You won’t be present to life.

And so it is with your Netflix diet as well.

Here is how I watch Netflix…

I watch only stuff that will teach me the skills by pointing me to the capacities I could distinguish and then practice. I even take notes!

Whenever I see something noteworthy, I stop and contemplate it for minutes… long minutes. I consider Netflix my mentor… Continue reading “Why and how I watch Netflix? How my Netflix diet is not binging?”