Your Dark Side is the time you spend in your mind… Amazing video

If you read my last article, you saw that I was offering a buy 1 get 1 free on my Heaven on Earth and my Mini Energizer products. Normal. Nothing special…

Except 10 minutes after I pushed the publish button I got an email from a student of mine saying that she never felt anything taking the Heaven on Earth and the Mini Energizers didn’t do anything for her either.

Really bad news. Until yesterday I never heard anyone complain, instead I have gotten a lot of raving testimonials and thank you notes.

What could be the reason nothing works for this student and what could I do to change that?

I was connecting and connecting and connecting to Source to get some answer, but I could see no clarity.

So today, instead of doing the scheduled drill on the drill call, I did a conversation with a group of ten students to get to the bottom of it.

What is being revealed on this call is amazing, creates a whole new way to look at what we are doing here.
Continue reading “Your Dark Side is the time you spend in your mind… Amazing video”

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else

paradigm shift For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always

The statement in the title used to be the koan 1 trainers used to scream, whisper, yell, raucously laugh saying… in the Forum, which eventually became the Landmark Education Forum. Continue reading “For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else”

Have Effortless Abundance

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

After all unless you inherited your fortune or still live in the 4-star service environment of the womb… there is no such a thing… at least most of us don’t know about it.

I surely didn’t set out with that goal: creating effortless abundance.

Neither effortless nor abundance is part of my upbringing.

In fact I grew up to work hard (effort) and do not waste.

We were poor for a while, and my father never forgot that. But somehow, I became a hoarder.

I got beaten for it, but it didn’t stop me from doing it: hoarded the newspaper, the TV magazine, my mother’s manicure set… whatever I used, I wanted to own it, have instant unlimited access to it.

I lived in lack. It wasn’t real, but it was as real as if I were starving: it was my reality.

I wanted everything. I wanted to taste everything too… so I tasted and purged.

I was very protective of my time too: I would go to sleep around the time my parents left work, sleep through dinner and TV, and get up after they went to bed, to do my school work.

Sharing? No way.

I kept checks and balances and was very sensitive to be always around a balance: another scarcity tactic.

I didn’t have the goal to have abundance, and I didn’t have the goal to have an effortless life.

I remember 1987: just after the big stock market crash in October I lost my freelance job as an architect. I just bought a car, and spent all my savings on that. I was literally penniless.

I was let go between two sessions of a seminar called “More Money Workshop”

It taught that there is nothing missing unless you say so. 2 Hm, that was really new to me. I started to practice not saying so… I never considered changing my mind, I was really hellbent on surviving this unemployment phase without my mind going with it.
Continue reading “Have Effortless Abundance”