How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life

I’ve decided that there are two kinds of people; those who solve real problems and those who create imaginary ones. ~ quote from the Monday Morning Memo.

This quote arrested me…

True or not if I look at yourself right now, are you solving real problems or are you creating imaginary ones?

Your life, when we look at it, will tell you. Continue reading “How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life”

Get out of your own way… what? why? how?

get out of your own way

If life isn’t turning out the way you hoped… consider that you are in the way… Something about you… most likely in the invisible…

In this article we’ll look at some ways… it is not one way… not as simple as most say it is. There are five trillion pages saying ‘get out of your own way’ and and none of them goes below the visible… ugh.

I just read an article… It claims to be about Gen Z…

Gen-Z Has a Bad Case of “Main Character Syndrome”
Young people are pretending to be the protagonists in the movie version of their lives Continue reading “Get out of your own way… what? why? how?”