Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%

Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%

Every age has a favorite way to explain diseases, symptoms, and every age has been wrong.

There was a brief period in the 80’s maybe later. It started by Dr. Hulda Clark, and it was about parasites. And it was about enriching herself.

But she wasn’t altogether wrong, or not as wrong as organized medicine. Her method’s truth value was a whopping 7%… Still shabby, but less shabby. Continue reading “Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%”

Can you tell when you are lied-to, when someone is fibbing?

Can you tell when you are lied-to, when someone is fibbing?
Are you lied-to?Are you being lied-to?

I get guidance. I ‘obey’ guidance.

Guidance is not a full blown sentence, just a nudge. And often it is so that what I am supposed to see is down many days, many weeks, and I need to trust. I am supposed to do what the guidance says I am to do. Do it in spite of the fact that I have significant price to pay. It is mostly paying with the quality of my sleep, or having unendurable pain, or losing a lot of money.

I am not complaining. I signed up for this, after all.

Here is the newest.

I don’t know how many millions watched the show I was asked to watch by the guidance. How many millions watched and came up with any learning… Probably very few. Continue reading “Can you tell when you are lied-to, when someone is fibbing?”