The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

Robert Greene definition or distinctionIt was Apr 9, 2021

I spent that whole day watching Robert Greene, listening to him, reading him… And had a question to you:

What is the difference between a worldview where you look through definitions and a worldview where you look through distinctions.

Definition vs distinction

The first thing to do is to see what is a definition. Whatever you define: you talk about it. It’s characteristics, and you try to be as descriptive and as exactly as possible. Continue reading “The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me”

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

intelligence and cone of visionI am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable: Continue reading “I am working on a new definition of intelligence.”