There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it

There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it
Intelligence is being able to tell the difference. The difference between something being wrong and you not liking it. Intelligence begins there.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you will continue to collapse the two. And you are the person about whom the saying goes: for you everything is the same as everything else… except that not always. No distinction. Clueless. Not a compliment.

In essence you will be the guy who cannot tell their ass from your elbow. In my experience you’ll be always angry, or sad, or disappointed. or feel slighted, not loved, lonely, deprived, bored, trying, attacked. the billions of moves that keep you unhappy… unfulfilled. Continue living a subhuman life.

No distinction? No intelligence.

Continue reading “There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it”

The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death

The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death

When I do the health measurements for people, the last step is to see what causes or will likely cause big troubles if nothing changes.

The first of such causes (thinking/emotional errors, attitude) is what I want to talk about in this article… because I am just going through, or have just gone through something that even I didn’t expect, despite all my experience to the opposite.

I have been waiting to die.

I felt it inevitable. My mother died at my age… so I will too.

Yesterday was the day I was exactly, to the day as old as my mom was when she died. And I didn’t die. Continue reading “The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death”