David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting

Originally posted 2011-12-14 10:48:16.

david hawkins muscletesting unreliable David Hawkins Muscletesting Vs. Muscletesting While Connected To Source

I am getting a lot of questions about muscletesting. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.

Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscletesting, the test is not reliable.

For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes later, and the answer would be the opposite. I would say that is not reliable.

When I started to work with Theta Healing, I found the same level of unreliability. Same question, different answers. Bummer.

I observed my chiropractor always come up with the same remedy to recommend: the one he got the most commission on. hm.

Then when I really connected to Source, the situation changed. Now I have complete certainty… except certain areas, the future, and other spying-like inquiries are not permitted me to access.
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The Truth Method: The Mechanics Video

The Truth Method: The Mechanics Video

This is a video from 2012… Because some things don’t change, because they work. But…

The new article from today, about no forcing, has been missing for many people… so I am republishing this article to be on the same page as the “no-forcing” article.

This video shows you how I use muscletesting to tell truth from falsehood: the Truth Method. (also called applied kinesiology, by the way). Two minutes… short enough?

Muscletesting is also called applied kinesiology. Although it is widely used, from the articles that follow you’ll see that it is not as straight forward and reliable as “they” claim it is… Make sure you read the articles after you watch the video. Start here
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The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

I think the biggest and most significant accomplishment of the the 20th Century was distinguishing that you can muscletesting.

The original idea of that, which they called muscletesting, was that the body knows what’s true and what’s not. Unfortunately, the body what’s good for it, but not exactly the way muscletesting has been using and abusing it. Continue reading “The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century”