Trying to change your worldview is like pissing in the wind…

Trying to change your worldview is like pissing in the wind…

trying to change your worldview is like pissing in the wind Some 50 years ago I had a boyfriend who was a philosophy student in Hungary. I typed up his dissertation, and misunderstood a word: because in my worldview the word he wrote didn’t exist…

I am editing my chapter in the upcoming Entrepreneur’s Code book and I just got an insight.

Anything that doesn’t agree with your worldview will show up differently that it’s intended, as the word I mistyped 50 years ago.

I watched a few videos over the weekend, my first weekend in a long time when I wasn’t booked one way or another, to lead a course, for example.

I intend to understand what is happening in the world, and what it is that I can do about it. Continue reading “Trying to change your worldview is like pissing in the wind…”