Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?

Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?

the fallacy of the brain and intelligenceYesterday one of my long time students surprised me with sending me a ‘meme’ that had a quote from one of my articles.

No coincidences in the world… if you have a wide enough cone of vision you’ll know that.

We’ll explore the drama that is hidden in this sentence. Because there is drama, oftentimes tragedy there.

Sidenote: As I was looking for suitable images for this article, I was struck by the overwhelming confusion about intelligence, the brain’s role in it, meditation, and brain exercises. Most of what is written is horseh!t… truth value: 0%.

  • 1. So I’ll begin with the word coincidence… coincidence means two things happen that are not connected… (a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.)

Someone is born on 9/11… the same day airplanes are flown into buildings… and people die. The two events are not connected.

Human nature looks for connections. Human nature is to look in the mind for connections. Not in reality, in the mind, where only the meanings live. None of the actual happenings live in the mind, only the story you made up about it. Continue reading “Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?”

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

methodology of transformation is a process, a road to hoeEverything is a process… a road to hoe. The new methodology of transformation in this article is one step, without which all other steps are ineffective and temporary at best.

Just because you feel brilliant, you may not be brilliant.

Yesterday I felt like I am definitely getting smarter. Felt good. Then I asked Source: Am I really getting smarter? And the answer was ‘no’. Continue reading “Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy”

The winding, meandering path to success…

The winding, meandering path to success…

winding river the path to successEveryone wants to understand BEFORE they take a step onto the path to success. But putting one foot in front of the other, with awareness is what allows you to get to where you want to get to.

Some people are crazy smart. They see everything laid out like a street map where I see nothing… or I see, maybe, one step, and therefore I am filled with fear and trepidation. I can’t see beyond that one step.

I am sure you can relate to this and relate to the ‘inner voice’ the mind saying: you are never going to make it.

And sometimes you find someone whose entire processing style is less intimidating, someone who doesn’t profess to see everything, although they may, and will take you step by tiny step.

Because step by step doesn’t necessarily take understanding, which is elusive, really, it takes putting one foot in front of the other. Continue reading “The winding, meandering path to success…”

Connect the dots… not just backward like Steve Jobs said

Connect the dots… not just backward like Steve Jobs said

That only after you're there, can you then connect the dots. You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.More on connecting the dots…

We all want to know where we are doing, what we are going to do there, we want to make sure we’ll be happy there.

What business to start. What books to read. What to get curious in.

But here is the problem: dots can only be connected backwards. There have to be dots! And forward there are no dots.

This is why almost all grand strategies are bound to fail or become a disappointment. Continue reading “Connect the dots… not just backward like Steve Jobs said”

Long term memory… learn to connect the dots

Long term memory… learn to connect the dots

Connecting the dots… Cognitive performance… Cognitive activity… what am I talking about?

Cognition, according to the dictionary is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Acquiring knowledge means: it stays… NOT merely understanding. You’ll see why later in this article.

As clients get better results nowadays, I am now really motivated to get better myself, to be able to help them get even better results.

So I read more books, watch more relevant videos, have extra conversations to home in on what isn’t working as well yet as I hoped it would, and what would.

How do I learn?

Continue reading “Long term memory… learn to connect the dots”