Why unconditional love is damaging, and why setting conditions is healthy… even loving?
My new 20-day skill learning challenge is to listen and internalize 20 videos by Hungarian, now dead, psychologist, Peter Popper.
Why am I doing this challenge? What will this give me?
I am self-taught… or more precisely: I have an education that is hodge podge, eclectic: I gathered knowledge from all over the place, and I have gaping holes, that until this day I had no idea where to fill or how.
The gaping holes are so big, that some of my students could slip through: Whatever I knew didn’t help them to become all they can become.
With that said, I listened to a Dr. Popper masterclass on youtube, sadly, it is in Hungarian, with subtitles that you need to set to your own language…
Dr Popper’s masterclasses, a whole lot of them, have 60% truth value, 30% of what he says fills in my gaping holes. Continue reading “Why unconditional love is damaging but what is loving?”