The rescue me racket… drama drama drama

The rescue me racket… drama drama drama

the rescue me racketI used to have a student who ran a racket… get into situations where he needed to be rescued. He ran the rescue-me racket

The original incident was that he was locked into his father’s car on a hot summer day. He had insisted, vehemently, that he wanted to play with the car. He was three years old. And of course he loved cars.

After about half an hour of doing noises like cars make, he got bored… but the car doors were locked.

He banged on the doors, on the windows, yelled, and only a neighbor woman saw him.

By the time the women of his household came down to rescue him, he passed out. Continue reading “The rescue me racket… drama drama drama”

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?
The foundation of your being needs to change to raise your vibration.

We could say that raising your vibration is raising the foundation of your being, the foundation of your existence, the height from where you observe life.

Your foundation is set by your culture. Your culture also sets what you can hear and what you cannot.

What you cannot hear is what is higher than the level of your foundation.

You hear something… but by the time it becomes conscious, it is translated to the level of your culture. How? By hearing it in the mind, Plato’s Cave.

To the naked eye, you sound kind of stupid. A is said, and you hear B. Your actions will be based on B. And your results will also be based on B. Continue reading “What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?”