Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?


Can context be cause?
Note: I wrote this article three years ago, but it is as timely as ever… It moved me then, and it moves me today… Enjoy!

This question doesn’t sound like it could make much sense, does it? But when you find out what it means, you’ll be thrilled to know that it is the panacea, the cure for most of what ails us.

By the way, Nature’s fundamental law is: Like causes cause like effects. If something you consider “cause” doesn’t work reliably, it is not a cause, it’s an effect. Like prayer, like certain remedies, like the “Law” of attraction, like thinking positively, like placebo…

The Second Phase Activators Course just finished on Sunday, and I am working on the next course. Making decisions, creating some new stuff. And a big change: I will not allow everyone to sign up, just because they want to be in it.

There are some current students who, because of their attitude, lag behind. This creates tension in the group: I spend more time trying to unstuck the unwilling or lazy ones than actually teaching stuff. (The main unwilling attitudes ‘it’s good enough for me the way it is,’ ‘why rock the boat,’ or belligerence or even hostility/resistance are the attitudes I have been experiencing and won’t tolerate in my next courses.

These people also don’t have a big enough desire to change or even to experiment, and change and experimenting are mandatory if you want to create a shift in your life to the better.)

I also needed to create changes in MY attitude to be able to believe that I can pick and choose who I want to teach. That is a long shot from where I started: accepting anyone who was willing.
Continue reading “Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?”

Water Energizer products: should you buy them from me?

energized beer-pitcherI have been getting requests for water energizer products. Pitchers, energizer inserts, gelpacks.

I’d rather that you use the Water Energizer audio to make your own energizer products.

How do you do it?

Anything that is put inside water that you are energizing with the Water Energizer audio will get energized with the water. You just need to leave it time, about an hour per gallon of water, including the stuff you put in the water.

Continue reading “Water Energizer products: should you buy them from me?”

How Does Water Energize Your Body? Get All The Answers…

how does the water energize you?

How Does Water Energize Your Body?

The question is: are you drinking it? Are you near it? Are you swimming or bathing in it?

Let’s see each case, shall we?

If and when you are drinking it, there are a few things to be aware of

Want to Get Energized by your drinking water?

Here are a few things to consider when you want to be energized by your drinking water.

  • Is the water, you are looking at, compatible with a healthy body?
  • its Vibration: is it high or is it low?
  • its molecular spin: supposedly left spin is better
  • its purity: contaminant can kill you
  • its mineral content: water without mineral content tastes bad
  • its mood… I know it sounds funny, but some water is really angry!

Continue reading “How Does Water Energize Your Body? Get All The Answers…”

Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why

Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why
Water… OK… first my story.

In 1993 a physician declared me incurable. I was weak, I was malnourished, and my blood work did not respond to anything, and was completely messed up. I didn’t seemingly have any known disease: had I died they would have put in cause of death: old age. I was 46 years old.

I hired a nutritionist, who out of desperation, put me on a complete elimination diet: I was living on protein shakes for a little while. and then slowly moved on to the complete elimination diet: you try to find out what doesn’t agree with your body.

In spite of all that effort, dietary changes, etc., two years later, a naturopathic physician still declared me incurable. Continue reading “Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why”

Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…

chronic health issues no answersLife, nature, growth are chaotic, and non-linear

Your thinking, your mind, on the other hand is linear.

When it asks the question “why” it expects a linear answer.

But, of course, any and all linear answers are wrong. Garbage in-garbage out. The answer can’t be better than the question.

The only way to see even just a fragment of the complexity of causes and effects is to practice keeping many plates spinning at the same time… to use a juggler analogy.

Instead, you multitask… which is trying to keep a plate spinning, a ball rolling, etc… impossible.
Continue reading “Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…”

Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator

freedom1Before I created the Unconditional Love Activator in 2011, my vibration was 300. Even 300 placed me into the top 0.1 percent of human population.

Over time, using the Unconditional Love Activator, my vibration is now reliably above 900.

So, what does the Unconditional Love Activator do, that you’d want for yourself?

Good question, right?

Well, here you go:

If you are “normal”, then you hate yourself, or you hate aspects of yourself.
Continue reading “Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator”

Customer Favorite #2: Heaven on Earth

hoe-labelThe Heaven on Earth remedy is based on the Bach Flower remedies.

It’s 40 distinct energies that remedy 40 human weaknesses and follies. How? I don’t know.

There was a time when I was making custom Bach remedies for each customer and client. It took a long time, because I needed to connect to the person, and muscletest them for 40 different remedies.

The time I spent, in today’s rate, would have cost a buyer about 70 dollars. They paid nothing. I didn’t value my own time… that was before I created the Unconditional Love Activators. Before that there was no love lost between me and myself.

But as soon as I found the Unconditional Love Activator, my relationship to myself changed… Continue reading “Customer Favorite #2: Heaven on Earth”

Are you adding good to the bad, hoping the bad will get better?

adding-water-to-the-seaIn almost any endeavor, removing what you don’t want makes more difference than adding something good to the mix.

And although this makes a lot of sense, in spite of it not being common knowledge in self-improvement, you keep on trying to add stuff to your anxiety, to your inability to breathe, to your fear, to your unwillingness or to your listlessness, expecting results, fast and furious.

You are quite stupid, forgive me for saying that. My only excuse for saying that is that I am like you.  I know this is what you do, because I have been observing myself doing the same thing. Continue reading “Are you adding good to the bad, hoping the bad will get better?”

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

water-energizer-setupI have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.

Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.

The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,

Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?

Continue reading “Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer”

I wrote to a client: Grow Some Balls! Man up!

I wrote to a client: Grow Some Balls! Man up!

feminine skills for menIt’s Sunday, and as usual, I had a profound conversation with my friend. We missed one Sunday in this past eight years, I think.

I had more insights than in a normal month… and here are a few:

1. We are bred to become soft.

The question you’d ask if you wanted to know if they succeeded with you is this: Can you take it? Can you take hard, long, exhausting, painful, cruel, murderous.

If the answer is no, or “yes, but I don’t want to” then they succeeded.

When things don’t go your way, when things are not fast enough for your taste, when someone is not kind and encouraging, when something doesn’t taste, sound, feel good the first time, when something takes consistency and consistent effort to reach… then you’ll quit.
Continue reading “I wrote to a client: Grow Some Balls! Man up!”