Why those successful people became successful and not you?

1673296-poster-physicsYou are Stuck…

Stuck without a solution, stuck in a tight spot, stuck in a relationship, stuck with an irrevocable promise, stuck in a job, stuck behind… Stuck. And stuck is stuck.

This is the landscape of our life. NORMAL.

Whether we verbalize it or not, we feel stuck. life seems to work against us, and we feel we are a poor match to deal with what we need to deal with. Continue reading “Why those successful people became successful and not you?”

Why do you want to know your soul’s purpose?

You want to know what is your soul’s purpose so you can start to live the life of your dreams. You are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem.

If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it?

It has taken me 60 years to become ready to do what I do, and although most things are not as complicated and demanding as returning humanity to the Original Design, most things require you to know how to do quite a few things. Continue reading “Why do you want to know your soul’s purpose?”

How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…

how-dead-are-youWhat’s special about the roller coaster is the height it takes you and the depth it takes you… The experience is aliveness.

When your life has no highs and maybe no deep lows, what you are, instead of being alive, is a walking dead. Resigned, and settled for the scraps at life’s table.

You see others at the table, seemingly happy, seemingly alive, and you feel regret, shame, and envy. Continue reading “How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…”

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others

Energy Healing

The Big Bundle is what I use to heal 90% of the time. Another energy is the Heaven on Earth (bundle) and the Source Light Energy.

We all hear and read about energy healing. And we hope they work… But most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing. Why? Continue reading “My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others”

I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

If I could stand on the rooftop and yell it to every person who visits my site, I would have a mailing list that has eliminated the weak, the slothful, the unable to think for themselves crowd.

So, what is the ‘famous’ law of attraction myth and what are the common characteristics of the people who believe in it?

In the New Thought philosophy, the law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. The teaching is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from ‘pure energy’, and that through the process of ‘like energy attracting like energy’ a person can improve their own health, wealth and personal relationships.

The concept of law of attraction received criticism in skeptical essays, such as Robert Todd Carroll’s The Skeptic’s Dictionary.

Law of attraction is an example of a pseudoscience.

Continue reading “I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction.”

Respect: look again… but this time differently

In the movie, Stranger Than Fiction, our hero is doing what he is doing, unconsciously.

When Harold Crick, the hero of the movie, starts hearing the narrating voice in his head…

…what the voice says takes him out of his unconsciousness and makes him conscious

…his usual way of doing things, going through life like a drone, and this changes his life.
Continue reading “Respect: look again… but this time differently”

What is the connection between respect and appreciation?

What is the connection between respect and appreciation? Both respect and appreciation are spiritual capacities… states of being.

I am having a lot of insights lately. Of course, it was predictable: I am running an experimental workshop: it is driving up the questions.

When you have questions, relevant questions, you are going to get insights. You ask irrelevant questions? you’ll get no insights.

Anyway, the circumstance this morning was this: I accidentally double-paid for a course. Sent a support request to get a refund, and they answered that their policy was to talk to me, to make sure I was who I said I was. Continue reading “What is the connection between respect and appreciation?”

Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

This article is from 2012… but it connects to self-image, so it is evergreen and timely.

I know, I know, I haven’t been writing as many articles as before.

Have I dried up? I don’t think so.

So why have I been so quiet?

You deserve to know.

In the beginning of May (2012) I asked for and was given the tool to give people a tool to energize their water.

When you drink water that energizes your body, when you drink water that returns, each time you drink it, some of your cells to their normal state, your life becomes more consistent with life than with death. Continue reading “Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…”

Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?

Your current core identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?

I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is ‘worthless piece of junk = unwanted’. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to ‘nothing’ than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. ‘I am nothing’, does it communicate? It doesn’t seem to have the same emotional impact on me…

From time to time I notice it ‘informing my mood, informing my actions.’

Continue reading “Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?”

Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense

Brave New World... the ultimate destruction of manIf you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system. The feelings.

Train him to not trust his feelings.  To not even feel them. Or call them emotion names.

Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. And by all means, train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.

Give him the religion of positive thinking. Continue reading “Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense”