Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…

Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…

It’s not how fast you are, but how fast you get there…

Our culture is obsessed with fast. Instant. Effortless.

Fast thinkers are put on pedestal.

But, between you and me, anything that is built fast will come down fast.

The faster someone is, the less they perform in my programs, for example.

Fast is from the left brain.

There are people who seem fast… but the truth is: it took them a long long time, countess days, hours, weeks, months, to build a large enough foundation from which, they can, seemingly produce lightning fast products, books, results. Continue reading “Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…”

The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

…ask them, answer them, and then know that you’ll forget what you said…

Am I driving you mad? lol

OK, here are the questions:

    • 1. Can I get enough value out of this product… comparable or larger than what the money I pay for it is worth to me… right now? 1
    • 2. Will I be happy with the product and myself if I only get as much value as much money I paid plus 50%? 2

Continue reading “The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything”