This is an article from The Atlantic… Hint: not by discussing IQ The I here is James Fallows… although I tend to agree with him. this is a companion article to my previous article on self-esteem…
If you just want to know what people who are actually smart think of themselves… talk about themselves, jump there…
by James Fallows Jan 6, 2018 Science
I’ve never met or interviewed Donald Trump, though like most of the world I feel amply exposed to his outlooks and styles of expression. So I can’t say whether, in person, he somehow conveys the edge, the sparkle, the ability to connect, the layers of meaning that we usually associate with both emotional and analytical intelligence.
But I have had the chance over the years to meet and interview a large sampling of people whom the worldviews the way Trump views himself. That is, according to this morning’s dispatches, as “like, really re,” and “genius.” Continue reading “How Actual Smart People Talk About Themselves”