13 Questions That Can Lead YOU To Clarity

The mind hates uncertainty.

It.drives.itself.nuts to answer a question. Any question. Asked or unasked.

If you paid attention: it is almost always in search mode… trying to answer a question.

That’s why it is so busy. Continue reading “13 Questions That Can Lead YOU To Clarity”

Clarity – a great distinction, a great inquiry…


A friend of mine, internet marketer, and an all over nice guy, is starting a brand new business. It is to create a promotional package for people who want to be considered experts in any field.

What he is doing could be incredibly valuable. What he is doing is this: giving people a chance to get to clarity. Continue reading “Clarity – a great distinction, a great inquiry…”

Why are you not ready to take on a project?

limited resources

limited resourcesGiven that I am recommending the 12-week Mastery program, I am keeping my finger on the “pulse” and watching the videos of the 4-video series…

Two reasons:

  1. I am watching for flaws… either in the program or in you… so I can warn you against spending your money… again… on something that won’t make a difference.
  2. I am watching to see if I should do the program myself…

I have just got a glimpse of a flaw that most everyone I know has… including myself… at least in some areas. Continue reading “Why are you not ready to take on a project?”