Vibrational Review: Dr. Adam Fulmore distance healer, Intuitive health solutions
I read this guy, Adam Fulmore’s site, asked for a sample energy session transcript.
I connected to the person the session was with. My experience of the person was similar as his, although I don’t see colors, and I don’t deal in chakras.
When I muscletest his “solutions”, muscletest says that he is able to do 10% of what he thinks he can.
Ultimately he removes congestion, which doesn’t mean much to me. At sounds to me like hokus pokus, though if he uses chi gong moves, like I learned from Chuny Lin, maybe.
All in all, I would not call Adam Fulmore a fraud, he actually believes that he does what he does.
His personal vibration is 160, and his method registers as 10% effective.
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