Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become

Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become
Seeing what is missing

You think it is other people, circumstances that define your life. What if it is you? WHO you are, that does all of it. In that case you would want to be able create yourself, change yourself to be someone who can have a great life… wouldn’t you?

It is the hardest thing to see that what is missing is not outside. That it is inside. It is the idea of a way of being missing…

The whole distinction of a way of being is missing. Continue reading “Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become”

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?
personality…or How powerlessness is ‘inherited’ to you… How your personality predetermines what you can do, what you will do…

I did my first transformational program back in 1985 in beautiful seaside town of Haifa in Israel. We were on the top of a hill that jutted into the Mediterranean sea, in a room with windows on three sides… No matter where you looked out, you saw the endless blue sea… The perfect environment for a course where you were promised that finally you could join the rest of humanity, that finally you won’t be left behind.

Yeah, the promise also said: Creating a world that works for everyone with no one left out.

The world wasn’t working for me… and I felt left out.

Continue reading “Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?”

Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle

Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle

anna karenina principleHow does change fit into the Anna Karenina Principle, or the principle said in another way: the method of taking away what doesn’t contribute to happiness to make your life better?

Remember: the Anna Karenina Principle says: All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

The principle implies that the unhappy families have one or more things that make them unhappy, things happy families don’t have… That happiness is simple, while unhappiness is complicated.

In this article I will look at change and how the Anna Karenina principle, of taking away what doesn’t contribute can be done in the context of change. Continue reading “Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle”

How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?

How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?

change yourself change your lifeChange yourself, change your life. When you change everything changes.

That is the principle… But how do you change yourself?

And if you manage to do that: is that change permanent? Does it go as deep as your DNA? or is it temporary?

Great questions, disappointing answers. You CAN change yourself, and the new you will be temporary… unless the change is so profound that it causes epigenetic shift… which is rare, but possible.

Why change? Because how you are creates a predictable future, and for most of us: that is very ugly, tragic, and lacks what we really wanted our life to give us: joy, satisfaction, self-love.

If that is a good reason for you, then keep reading. If not… don’t bother…

This article is going to be, hopefully, the first in a series of articles that explore change. Continue reading “How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?”

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it

Yesterday in the growth workshop I decided to look at my relationship to money. I have been trying to crack this tough nut for many years: in every business I have had everyone said I was sitting on a big mountain of money… but not actualizing much of it. 🙁

So I set out to work on money… Asking: how come I don’t make as much money as I could… with what I have…

Of course I am the course leader, so I don’t have time to deal with my own sh-it, but now it is on the sheet… documented, and the table. Continue reading “I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?”

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.I made an alarming observation yesterday at my monthly PlaygroundPlayground session. Every single person in the program has a version of ‘I only want to do what I want to do, and none of the things I am supposed to do‘.

Of course there is a gradation… gradients… some are less unwilling than others.

Chances are I didn’t get all ‘special’ people into my programs, so it seems that this is part of the human condition now: people don’t want to do what they need to do, what they ought to do to be well, to be valuable, to be happy, fulfilled.

Some of the services I provide is muscletesting supplement list, food list, eating style, and health measurements. Continue reading “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth”

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

doing the necessary, the possible, and then the impossibleWhat makes the difference? When something starts to work: what made it suddenly work? Do you know? Chances are: you don’t. And neither do so-called scientists. It is a guess… the guess that makes them seem right. We are wrong 99% of the time. Why?

We do the same thing when something doesn’t work. We guess why… and we are wrong 99% of the time. Why? Continue reading “When something changes in reality, what made it change?”

The technology of change, becoming someone who can

In the how you do anything is how you do everything article, I tell you that the how changes only if the who changes first.

But the who’s change is very gradual. Slow, subtle, and takes a lot of gentle work.

In today’s day and age everyone has a good idea how to do things, and those ideas are 99.99% of the times wrong.

I just found this brilliant story on Quora, thank you, that illustrate the methodology that works. Continue reading “The technology of change, becoming someone who can”

What does it mean “create a life you love”?

This attitude, or worldview that you can create a life you love, is the same exact worldview that prevents you from being happy.

33 trillion webpages talk about that.

But the truth is that you have no authority to change anything in life outside of yourself… but even if you could, even if you do, unless YOU change, your life will remain the same, even if the circumstances changed, because you haver remained the same. You can get the girl out of the gutter, but you can’t get the gutter out of the girl… goes the saying, and, unfortunately, that is how it goes. Continue reading “What does it mean “create a life you love”?”