Case Study: Evolution Modality of Christine Hoeflich

christine hoeflich activating 2012 Case Study: Evolution Modality of Christine Hoeflich

I have a personal principle that I don’t write about something, don’t criticize something until I immerse myself in it.

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Case Study: Modality by Story Waters

We don’t know the name of the young guy who is teaching these classes and made these videos…

story waters awakening freedom consciousness Though I don’t know his name I know a few things about him: He tunes into the complicated world of the “light workers” and seekers, 4th Plane…

personal vibration: 299
teachings: 185
truth value: 210

When I muscletest, he connects to the Seventh Plane and the Creator of That Is.

Unfortunately he is not an incarnate being, and he didn’t have to overcome most of the things you and I have gathered lifetime after lifetime. 1

I personally can’t follow his complicated and woo-woo words, but it is my personal failings. Going on a visual and auditory journey with him may cause an few minutes of reverie, but will not result in my ascension: he doesn’t connect you, he doesn’t even connect me.

Brain and eye candy. Keeping up with the fashionable and accepted. Will not do anything for you worth a dime.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Case Study: Christie Marie Sheldon of Love or Above

Christie Marie Sheldon Love or Above One of the vibration gurus I am getting links to is Christie Marie Sheldon or her program: Love Or Above.

Christie’s vibration is 240

My muscletest shows that she has never connected directly to Source, so I assume that she got this vibration from the Planetary Ascension download, and didn’t actually “earn it” herself.

The question I have is how can she claim to connect you and help you raise your vibration to 520 (in my experience it is more like 526-540 where love is!) if she has never raised her own vibration.

Is being a good marketer and being a pretty blonde is all people need to trust their life to someone? I wonder.

Christie Marie Sheldon is just one of those false gurus that the world is full of… guaranteed to be attracting you if you are one of a kind… a fake.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Case Study: Vik Day 17

[8/7/2011 1:12:16 AM] Vik: hi
[8/7/2011 1:12:29 AM] Vik: i tried connecting to the source yesterday…
[8/7/2011 1:12:36 AM] Vik: i tried it twice
[8/7/2011 11:20:47 AM] Vik: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:37 AM] Sophie Maven: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:59 AM] Sophie Maven: you are at 299
[8/7/2011 12:00:05 PM] Sophie Maven: how are you feeling?
[8/7/2011 12:09:38 PM] Vik: sorry…was having my dinner
[8/7/2011 12:09:52 PM] Vik: am not feeling good..
[8/7/2011 12:10:02 PM] Sophie Maven: stomach?
[8/7/2011 12:10:07 PM] Vik: so i was able to connect to the source?
[8/7/2011 12:10:12 PM] Vik: no the crown chakra…
[8/7/2011 12:10:16 PM] Sophie Maven: no
[8/7/2011 12:10:24 PM] Sophie Maven: you went up to 299 the hard way
Continue reading “Case Study: Vik Day 17”

Case Study: Indian Man, Vik

11:44:29 AM, August 4, 2011
Vik: hi
Sophie Maven: hold Vikur, I am in the middle of something
Vik: how r u doing
Vik: k
Sophie Maven: I removed another attachment, it is your wife’s family, didn’t get a lock on who, personally. it was on the other side
Sophie Maven: you need to learn to cloak yourself
Vik: who could it be?
Sophie Maven: it is mostly a female
Vik: ok..what is this exactly…
Vik: is it some kind of a black magic?
Sophie Maven: energy vampires

Continue reading “Case Study: Indian Man, Vik”