Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Most people have one or two tools in their tool box… And what is even stranger: they don’t want any more. Why?

Some of you cannot deal with complexity, and therefore you will deny your right to feel feelings. And some of you will indulge your feelings and never look, never ask any probing questions that could let you see what is really going on…

What am I talking about?

In the Playground program, always starting new groups, we attempt to bring clarity to life, we attempt to reclaim our power over our lives by separating what life seems to be, what seems to be happening in many different ways. One of these is having a “reality” side, everything a Martian could see or detect, and another that is all words. Continue reading “Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?”