Many of you don’t have a Self… here is how to find it

Many of you don’t have a Self… here is how to find it

We all have two selves. One is real, the other is made up.

The bigger the distance between the two, the less authentic, the less happy we are.

When you love yourself: you love your life… said in another way: when the two selves are in harmony, you love your life.

The soul’s (the real self) job is to cause character, the soul’s job is to help you find out who you are. The Self. The person you are…

Many of you have not managed to distinguish a Self from all the ideas of who you should be, who you want to be, who you fancy yourself being… The precious I, the delusional self.

A Self is your ‘I’ that is independent and defensible from other people’s opinion, and from even your own opinion of you… when you make mistakes.

I know this is a mouthful, so let me elaborate:
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