Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…

Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…

Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? A bowling ball in the hands of your pancreas and your thyroid…

One of the enemies you need to work against, and I mean WORK against, is the impression other people give you, that if you can see it, you can do it.

That if you see a result, you can have it.

It seems to be sold and bought wholesale by nearly everyone, and buying that, of course, reduces you to a thing that engages in wishful thinking, but does no productive work.

It is so seductive to think that forcing yourself to do work belongs to lesser people. That to actually learn how to climb the mountain, get the right gear, get the right guidance is something you’ll never have to do… because you are special, you are better.

And, obviously, we are not only talking about climbing a mountain, we are talking about things you want to, you could achieve, but you don’t, in any area of life. Continue reading “Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…”