People in general are addicted to seeking out and listening to “teachers” they think they know something that is not knowable to an ordinary person.
The way to “know” is to have “supernatural abilities.”
What is supernatural? And what is esoteric?
If you look at the Map of Consciousness, you can see that there is no such thing as supernatural, there are vibrational differences. And, probably, there are glitches. And maybe mutants? lol…
Human Being, in his Original Design state is pretty close to what you call supernatural. Yes, compared to the atrophied, slavish, sheeplike human of today, the Original Man was really powerful.
Each generation of humans became more removed from Source, and now, in the sixth generation, there are hardly any traces of the magnificent design we once had.
Some people retained some semblance of the original, but not many. Why? I am not sure. I don’t even have a theory. Maybe genetic, maybe atavistic, maybe a glitch, maybe outside influence. I don’t know.
One capacity that can be considered supernatural because it’s pretty cool, is empathy.
True Empaths are able to connect to anything well defined enough, and feel it, accurately, both on the emotional and the sensory level.
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