How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How You Lost Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

If You Have Lost Them, How To Get Them Back

What is this article about?

It is about how the mind is an aberration, how it is like a cancer, how it enrolls you, makes you lose your harmony, flow and grace

This article will need me to distinguish a few things, for you.

Please bear with me: it will be worth it. Continue reading “How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace”

Republished: The Duct Tape Approach to Raising Your Vibration

duct tape methodThe Duct Tape Approach to Raising your vibration

My observation has been that the biggest obstacle to returning people to the pristine state we began is the business of the mind, the business of the body.

What I call business is not the activity of getting things done: on the contrary: the wasteful, self-serving misfiring of the nerve-endings, whether it expresses itself in activity or not. The restlessness, the ADHD-type of running around, aimlessly, but self-importantly.

I have a few students that have taken this restlessness to the max, they do not allow any moment for themselves to just be.
Continue reading “Republished: The Duct Tape Approach to Raising Your Vibration”

Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?

Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?

the dark side who is pulling the strings? I am not sure who the original dark forces are… they have been around for about three thousand years.

They mean business. I mean business for themselves. These are individuals in a close knit clan, dispersed all over the world, spreading mayhem and fishing in troubled waters. Continue reading “Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?”