Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

One of the measures I muscletest in the Starting Point Measurements is to what degree you consider your emotions reality.

From my point of view it says everything about you I need to know: how happy and satisfied you are with life, how curious you are, how astute you are, how high is your consciousness.

The higher that number is the lower you are in the totem pole of life, the lower your chances are to live a life you can love. Continue reading “Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!”

Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense

Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense
  • enlightenment... I have itYesterday’s transformation is today’s arrogance
  • Yesterday’s glimpse of the truth is today’s guilty feeling
  • Yesterday’s ‘enlightenment’ is today’s pretense

You may not be able to see it on gurus… but I can. Gurus are liars… because they share an incident in their past that doesn’t go beyond that moment…

But repeating that incident is impossible… and you don’t know how it happened… like a past life memory, or any other insight. The mechanism is hidden from our view. Continue reading “Yesterday’s enlightenment is today’s pretense”

What does your pretense do to you and your life?

shark and seal I just had a conversation with a long-time student of mine who hasn’t been coming to any of my classes, but still follows my teachings..

She bought the Big Bundle of energies… for the second time, So instead of giving her a refund, I opted to adjust her predatory genes, and also her oldest son’s.

They both had 10 predatory genes active, and they were both miserable… trying to force life to fit them, instead of gently and naturally fit themselves to life… to reality. Continue reading “What does your pretense do to you and your life?”

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

I just had this interesting idea, that your usable intelligence, your overall intelligence may be the number that tells us how limited the perspective of YOUR mind… in actuality, not the potential.

I have students who have a better brain and yet lower IQ. And I have students who have a lesser brain and yet a higher IQ. This is very important: your race, your inherited innate brain power doesn’t limit you, because your ‘mind’ is limited by the perspective you have for life… This is why with training you can get better, a whole lot better. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind…”

It sounds a lot like science fiction… hey, it is science, but not fiction…

My Sunday calls

Here is a sentence that will cement your view of me as an arrogant b-i-t-c-h, or will make you curious, if you haven’t thought that I was an arrogant b-i-t-c-h…

If you don’t listen to my Sunday calls, then you are a lazy, good for nothing, slacker… lol Oh, you have known that? I apologize, I thought I was telling you something new.

But all kidding aside, my Sunday calls are the single most interesting thing I sell… to the right people… people who are ready. The one-percenters… Continue reading “It sounds a lot like science fiction… hey, it is science, but not fiction…”

Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?

Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?

OK, a new challenge is presenting itself: a bunch of people have bought the Big Bundle… and as usual, they don’t pay attention, they think that however they will use it will be OK.

Surprise: how you do anything is how you do everything, and if it had worked, you wouldn’t be here now… Would you? You would be out there enjoying your life.

So it is time to learn something new, you have NEVER considered doing before: do things the way they are supposed to be done.

One of the main and fundamental issues with Homo Sapiens is their immense arrogance.

Don’t be stupid… Please. Continue reading “Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?”

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

welcome to lake wobegon… as it turns out, I can answer this question… at least whether your hardware, your brain is capable to run better and faster…

And the answer: you have barely used your brain for intelligence and thinking… so yes… to all of you.

But intelligence also depends on your knowledge, real knowledge of yourself, the human condition, and reality. And whether you can increase that, become more intelligent that will depend on the level you can master your machine… Continue reading “How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?”

Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?

Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?
If you have brain fog, you can only take advantage of a tiny part of your innate intelligence: your brain is in survival mode.

Brain fog is real. Your brain isn’t firing, your brain isn’t working properly… it is half dead from… From what? And how can you change that? This is what this article is about.

I published this article before I realized that my own brain is misbehaving… that it was operating at a 10% capacity… and my IQ was way way way below what it could be.

I have used my own energy audio to fix it, and now it operates at 60%… Still not at full capacity… but the people I have tested, I have not found anyone with better than 10%… so my 60% is spectacular.

What did I actually do? I used my energy audio to keep my brain to stay connected to Consciousness and start repairing the damage that it ignored for too long. I also change my diet, temporarily, to an almost vegetarian diet: I eat fish and an occasional egg… as far as animal products go.

If you want to read about the energy audio… here is a link to all the articles that talk about my miraculous recovery… my brain, my heart, and my energy level… all due 60% to the energy audio, and 40% to the eating changes.

And you can buy it for yourself… if you feel adventurous.

Sometimes it is temporary: you didn’t sleep well, you didn’t have your morning coffee, you had too much coffee… you are tired.

But mostly it is a symptom… and a big issue.

Why I started to be interested in brain fog?

I planned to have 10 calls to help this dude replace his income and work from home.

I was quizzing him. He has been talking to me, at least once a week for 11 years… the results of the conversation were very eye opening: He was never really interested enough to learn from me. 11 years, more than a 100 hours… street value: $20 K.

I have gifted him courses, activators, I have gifted him with my famous health consultation… Result: he never used any of it, and of course he never benefited from what he didn’t do. He eats, thinks, lives exactly as he did 11 years ago.

Still has no idea much of anything. But why?

On one hand, he is not curious. On the other hand: if you have brain fog, you can only take advantage of a tiny part of your innate intelligence: you are in survival. Continue reading “Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?”

Spiritual Arrogance

Spiritual Arrogance

1-spiritual-arrogance-pict-1Humans have a dual nature, a dual nature that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…

Arrogance and pride…

Arrogance is duality itself.

  • It says, on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
  • On the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.

We call the arrogant side “it” in this article. And it talks. And it knows. And it pontificates…

What “it” says it knows? It knows everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen, if it is worth for you to do. It knows if you can. It knows the future, the past, what it all means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s all about, what is important and what isn’t. Continue reading “Spiritual Arrogance”

Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?

Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?

732290Why are you holding your breath? And why it is an ineffective way to manage your emotions…

I get insights in bite size chunks… here is a new insight I just got.

Your attention, that force to reckon with, that power you wield to bring life to stuff is connected to your breath.

They say: what you pay attention to starts moving. This is why, when you are at the chiropractor, they say: breathe into your hip, or your knees…

You see, they know breathing into something brings it mobility, awareness, and life… what they didn’t know is that it is your attention that is brought to the sore or stuck part with the breath.
Continue reading “Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?”