Money Grubbing Gurus. Money and Vibration

Originally posted 2011-12-28 16:33:43.

Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich?

Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right?

Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow? What should you do to actually start getting what you want and need to live a great and fulfilled life?

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What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indestructible Ball Of Light?

Originally posted 2011-11-12 16:55:33.

Soul spirit neshama ruah nefesh What is Soul? I don’t know. Although I know a lot about Soul, I don’t know what Soul is… as much as I don’t know what Source is.

In the Old Testament the word “know” had no intellectual knowledge meaning: it actually meant “get intimate with.” Sexually, or otherwise.

You get intimate with a jacket by trying it on and wearing it for a while. Same with a pair of shoes.

Intellectual knowledge is not knowing, it’s knowing about: a world of difference.
Continue reading “What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indestructible Ball Of Light?”

It’s Important For You To Know the Holographic Universe

Originally posted 2011-09-09 18:41:15.

It’s Important For You To Know the Holographic Universe

holographic universe: hologram or real? matrix or is there anything else? What Is The Holographic Universe, And Why It Is Important For You To Know It Inside And Out?

I’ve read a book by Michael Talbot, on the holographic universe. It was interesting, it was nice, but it was hard to see why it was useful to know it. Yet, this may be one of the most important piece of information that humanity needs right now. This information may change the future.

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Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

original design If you’ve known me and my work, you know that I talk to something I call Source. I begged Source for decades to allow me to do the work for it. Today I get all my knowledge from Source.

Our conversations happen on many levels. feelings, premonitions, dreams, stuff showing up when I need to deal with it. and also through things that I initiate: muscletesting yes/no answers. Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design”

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design
Eliminate the Powerlessness of The Vessel

As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something that is out of your control, is part of the human experience. In fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it will be a part of the human experience, even after the activation of The Original Design where homo sapiens turns into Human Being.

Why is that part of the Original Design?

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Stuckness, blockages, are they all about what you need?

Stuckness, blockages, are they all about what you need?

I want to live!Life is happier when it’s less cluttered. Your house will be bigger! Your teeth will be whiter! Angels will sing! You’ll be a better dancer. Go to 1-800-blahblahblah and prepare to be amazed. This is a commercial for GotJunk, but it could be a commercial to the removal of blockages my Integrity Workshop does beautifully.

I take my inspiration from where I find it.

Writing an article a day, leading 4-5 webinars a week, having two podcasts a week… that is a need for a lot of inspiration, wouldn’t you think so?

So I find inspiration, I search for inspiration, and more often than not I find inspiration.

Yesterday’s inspiration was enough for two calls… some inspiration has a longer ‘shelf-life’.

Your inspiration depends on your inspirability… and so does the inspiration’s shelf-life. Continue reading “Stuckness, blockages, are they all about what you need?”

Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration

Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration

“The planets may impel but not compel” say Rob Brezsny, and, if in nothing else, we agree on this point.

If the planets compelled, then soul correction, as a trajectory, would be an oxymoron… leopards don’t change their spots.

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself” which impels me to place myself higher than anyone else, including any authority, including Source.

Today that soul correction, that behavior, that attitude only shows up about 10% of the time. I say this in celebration of free will… how I behave, what attitude I bring to life is up to me: I can bend even though the planets impel me to be rigid.

According to Kabbalah, somewhat the bedrock of my mindset, free will is what created the physical universe. Continue reading “Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration”

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?

Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.

But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.

So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?

  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…

Continue reading “Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?”

A different way to look at priorities

prioritiesI just had a flash… A big bang.

We all have projects, and we all give it lip service, but don’t really do it… don’t really pursue our projects.

So, when a student of mine said: she needed to set priorities, I sent her this

I like the sound of setting priorities, but what is the principle of choosing priorities… what is the goal, the context of your life, that if you don’t achieve it, you’ll have regrets when you die?

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Updated: Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side

Updated: Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side

dark side illusion Questions about dark side and dark energies are coming up a lot nowadays.

My approach to dark side


… is Kabbalistic because Kabbalah’s approach to this issue is more useful for someone who wants to understand the issue or Dark Side.

You see, “where attention goes energy flows.” And that attention actually creates or strengthens that which it energizes, even if it wasn’t there before. Especially when you say you don’t want it. Resistance to something is like pouring oil on the fire… makes it bigger. Like “I have no time”, like : I am confused,” like “nobody likes me.” creates exactly what it complains about. Or “I am NOT stupid” or “I don’t want to feel this” or telling fear to go away, and the thousand and one way you can resist something. Even ignoring something is resistance to it.

In a recent Landmark Education seminar I learned that the poison that human beings swallowed wholly and greedily is “there is something wrong here,” the foundation of human misery, the dark side: Right and Wrong… behaving as if there were a right way and this isn’t it.

It seems that you never stop for a second to ask the questions that could create choice:

Possible question to create choice #1:
You ask: Hm, Something wrong here? Says who? Then answer: _I_ say so (the same person who asked the question). Next: ask: who assigned me to be the judge? Do I know how it is supposed to be? Do I see the whole picture? — And if you are anyone other than God, the answer is that you can’t see the whole picture, and therefore you don’t know if it is really wrong what’s happening… so you can see that you can’t tell wrong from right… Not knowing is a much higher state than being sure.

Possible question #2: Who or what wins if I choose to say “there is something wrong here.”
Continue reading “Updated: Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side”