If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt, a doormat; a thing to use. And no, this not me-too…
I don’t know about you, but being treated like a thing is at the root of almost every human misery… starting when you were little…
So in my practice, I am starting to realize, that is what needs to be dug out and looked at, so people can really get what they are stuck with, what is the thorn that is in their side… why they think they can’t, why they think they have to become special, or rich, or pretty, or thin, or famous… to finally be someone who isn’t treated like a thing.
But while being treated like a thing, it is normal: 99.99% of humanity only sees things, including themselves. In fact, when I muscletest. I get the answer that not more than 1000 people on the planet can see people as people, not as things.
What is even more surprising, all those 99.99% see themselves as things as well. Continue reading “If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt”